Chapter 1 | Reunion

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The sun was high up and burned down on the tall boy who was standing at the little park near the campus. He tried to cover his sensitive eyes to look out for the one he was about to meet. Frustrated that it was already past the appointed time, the guy groaned and thought about going back to his dorm.Before he could move a step, someone taped his shoulder. As he turned to look at the person who was getting on his nerves, he saw into the face he missed to see for years. "Hyung!"

Min Yoongi was like always too late. He never could make himself get ready to be punctual. Even if he was happy about the meeting he didn't hurried. What would the younger look like? Would he even recognize him? Maybe he was nerdier than in the past... As Yoongi reached the university he once studied himself at he saw some young people room around. As his eyes scanned the area he couldn't see any guy similar to what he expected. Maybe he should call him? He walked toward the large free area and saw some tall looking guy. It was as if he waited for someone.... Could it be? Yoongi walked towards the guy and taped his shoulder hoping to not embarrassed himself. As the guy turned around, he looked at the friend he once missed. It was years that they last saw each other and he smiled. "You grew Kookie! That's not fair." Yoongi lifted his arm up to ruffle through the dark brown, fluffy hair of his friend. He enjoyed to see the taller one smiling his still bunny smile and pout as he didn't like to have his hair been touched. It was the same as years ago.

Jeon Jungkook was more than happy to see the older boy in front of him. As he was watching Yoongi doing the same he always did, he felt his heart beating just as fast as it did in the past. "It's almost eight years that we didn't see each other so its normal that I grew... and as I can see I'm finally taller." Jungkook couldn't help but tease the older as he didn't want to sound strange. "But Hyung you barely changed! You're still coming late to appointments and don't even apologies." Even if Jungkook changed a lot over the past year's, he couldn't help but act childish.

Yoongi frowned as he heard Jungkook's words. Of course, he did change but not everything. To his surprise he was quite stun by how much Jungkook grew up. The last time he saw him, Jungkook was not taller than him and not as muscular as he was now. No, he was small, shy and most weak. He always followed Yoongi everywhere he went and when some older kids picked on him he came to him crying. Yoongi always thought about Jungkook as a real brother and as they had to part, it was unbearable for him at first. He didn't want to leave the younger behind but he couldn't change his parent's decision. He was forced to move and live a life in Seoul where he was lost. As he grew up surrounded by the unfamiliar and busy city he finally adapted to it and changed in many ways. He was no longer a big brother but more like the playboy in town. He didn't bother about who it was as long as he could have his fun. "So where to now Kookie?"

Jungkook was happy that Yoongi appeared to be the same as he did when they both were younger. With a bright smile on his lips, he showed toward the nearby café. "I thought we could eat a little while talking! I want to know what happened to you over the past years." He knew that Yoongi must have a lot to tell him as his parents always talked about Yoongi's family. He heard some bad stuff and he never really believed any of them. Out of curiosity, he decided to contact the older and just meet up. He never expected that Yoongi would even agree. As Jungkook started to walk towards the little café he sneakily glanced towards Yoongi. He had to admit that the older changed totally. When they were teens, he was always only slim and friendly but now... He was still slim but you could see his muscles under the shirt he was wearing. The little skin that was exposed showed that he was still pale and Jungkook wanted to just touch it to see if it was as smooth as it appeared to be. He forced his eyes away from Yoongi to look up as they entered. "Oppa! I didn't knew you would be here today... let me find you a good spot!" Eunji... Jungkook rolled his eyes as he heard her voice and slowly followed her inside. She knew he hated it to be called Oppa by her as she was older. Eunji was an old highschool friend and he enjoyed to meet her from time to time. Deep in his thoughts about Eunji and the way she called him, Jungkook didn't saw how Yoongi reacted towards the girl.

Yoongi could feel Jungkook's eyes on him and he couldn't help the smirk appearing on his lips. He thought it was rather sweet of the younger to try to steal quick glances on him. He chuckled as they entered the café and hell he had to admit that the little Kookie changed a lot. He was almost a head taller and his back was brighter than expected. The white tee didn't hide the muscles moving under it and Yoongi smirked. His eyes moved past Jungkook as he heard the girls voice. Oppa? Wow he didn't expected to hear that while being with Jungkook. Slightly annoyed that he was being ignored, Yoongi decided to just ignore her. Well not that he really was interested to begin with. It wasn't really a secret to any one that he was bi but he was leaning more toward guys. Reaching their table he walked past that little girl and smashed himself down on the offered chair. His eyes looked around the interior and he frowned slightly. Everything was way to cute and he didn't like being seen there. "I was surprised that you wanted to meet after eight long years. How come?"

Jungkook could feel that something changed. Yoongi acted slightly cold and the smile he missed on the older was gone. He gulped while trying to act less nervous. "Well... I'm going to turn 21 soon and I remembered the promise the two of us made once and I thought maybe why not..." Oh shit he wasn't sure where all this was going as Yoongi appeared to not be even a little happy about the meeting. Did he change so much? Did he really not wanted to meet him? Too many thoughts went inside Jungkook's head as he couldn't bear to look to long at the other. Was this going how he thought it would be? Jungkook hoped he woun't regret his decision about contacting Yoongi.


So yeah... this is my first ever book and i hope you guys will enjoy it. I already apologise for any mistake and hope you will still suport this little Book of mine~ I know the start isn't the best but we all can still improve...

- Bunni out -

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