Mind Control

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A/N I don't own Sonic Boom.

"Ruby destroy Sonic for once and for all"

Ruby started walking towards the unconscious hedgehog. Sonic Jr fearfully tried to wake up his dad and friends.

"Please wake up daddy, you have too!! Please don't leave me alone!!"

Ruby was now standing a few inches away. Sonic Jr sucked up his fear and stood in front of his father with his arms open wide. Glaring at his mother.

"Stop!! I won't let you hurt Daddy!!"

Ruby showed no emotion and looked at the child. Ruby picked him up from the back of his quills, Sonic Jr began to panic as he was being hair pulled by his mom. Sonic Jr then let out a loud cry in fear and scared.

Ruby then grunted and dropped him and hold her ears tight from the wail. Even when Ruby released him, he continued to cry. Shadow also was holding on to his ears in pain.

The cry continued to get stronger, the force was literally pushing Ruby and Shadow and Eggman away like a wind storm. Eggman was confused.

"What?! Stop that crying!!"

But Sonic Jr continued to cry and scream, surprisingly because the sound it broke the mind control along with the black thing around their necks. Ruby then tried opening her eyes but the sound was picking up dust, she was still holding on to her ears.

Eggman was blown away from the sound. Ruby then took a step forward towards her crying son. She grabbed him as he continued to cry, she pulled him into a tight hug whispering to his ear.

"Its okay baby, mommy's here and I'm not going anywhere."

The crying started to go down until, the only thing Ruby heard was his baby hiccups and then he fell asleep.

'Wow that really took a lot out of him'

Ruby then heard a groan and turned around to see Shadow holding his head. Ruby smirk at him while still holding on to her son.

"What was that?"

"I don't know but what I do know is that this little guy is a hero"

"No kidding"

Ruby and Shadow then looked towards the unconscious group. Ruby then looked at Shadow and Shadow looked at her confused.

"What? I am not helping"

He said stubbornly crosiing his arms in front of his chest. Ruby then raised and eyebrow and remain quiet. Shadow then glared at her.


Ruby smirk when Shadow then started using the Chaos control to heal them and teleporting them to their own home. Ruby arrived home and had Sonic Jr sleep next to his sleeping father.

Hours passed and Sonic began to wake up. He opened his eyes looking around to see he was in bed with his son. He shook his head.

"Man, what happened?"

Right on cue, Ruby walked in holding a tray.

"Oh hey, your awake"

She smiled

"Ruby what happened? All i remember is that i got my butt kicked by you and Shadow"

Ruby then put the tray on his lap and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well, to be honest. I don't remember either but what i do know is that our son saved me and Shadow"


"My guess is that he was using a sonic boom with his cry"

"Wow really?"

"Yeah because of the sound wave was so strong it broke me and Shadow out of the mind control"

"Wow get a load of that, our son is a hero like his old man"

Ruby and Sonic chuckled, Ruby then looked at Sonic and leaned up and kissed him on the lips. Sonic smirk and decided to deepen the kiss. Their tongue dance to an unknown music, fighting for dominance, until Sonic won and began exploring her mouth that he knows so familiar with and will still never get tired of it.

Ruby then let out a moan but the moment was interrupted when they heard a yawn. Sonic and Ruby pulled apart and looked to see their son stretching and yawning. Finally opening his eyes he looked to see his parents looking at him.

Sonic Jr smiled at his parents, happy to have them back. He crawled towards them and in the process getting a toast from the tray. He sat next to his mother side and started nibbling on the toast hearing his satisfaction with it.

He notice he was being watched and looked up to see his mom looking down at him and his father looking at him. He then stretched out his hand with the toast towards his parents.

"Want some?"

His parents just smiled at him. Sonic petted his son on the head.

"Its okay son"

"Its really good"

He then continued to nibble on the toast, it was bigger than him but so adorable.

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Sonic Boom X Ruby (OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon