Flirting Gone Wrong

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A/N I don't own Sonic Boom.

The next day, Ruby decided to take stroll. Little did she know a blue blur was following her. As she was walking along the sidewalk, Ruby stopped and glared at the intruder that was blocking her path.

It was Sonic he had one hand leaning on the wall and his leg was crossed.

"Hey babe"

"What do you want?"

"I was thinking maybe you and me can go have a date or not I don't know"

"I don't care"

"Oh yeah well I don't care what you think because you are coming with me whether you like it or not"

Ruby balled up her hand into a fist and connected to Sonic's eye causing him to lose balance and fall. Ruby then bend down to his level.

"Look, I don't know what your problem is, so do me a favor and leave me alone you big jerk"

Ruby said walking away from the fallin Sonic. Sonic then quickly got up and yelled.

"You know one small punch isn't going to stop me. I will get you Ruby one way or another"

Ruby heard him but scoff at the thought of it 'Oh please'.

Later on the day, Ruby went to Meh Burger to get some lunch. She ordered a salad bowl and water, she was about to take a bite when Sonic showed up again at her table she was currently using. Ruby got annoyed and put her fork down and placed her elbows on the table and rested her head on her hands.

"Miss me?"

Sonic said with half hooded eyes at Ruby. Ruby's face was about to turn red from the anger of the annoyance that was building up. 'Hmmm might as well play along for the fun of it' Ruby thought.

"Of course I missed you, I was wondering when you were going to show up"

Ruby said battling her eyes looking into Sonic's eyes. Sonic scoot back just a little from the new attitude.


"Of course baby"

Ruby decided to see how far she can take it with the town's hero. Under the table, Ruby put her hand on Sonic's knee.

"W-would you like t-to go on a date with m-me?"

Sonic said stuttering as Ruby's hand made their way up higher to his mid-thigh.


Ruby said softly still looking into Sonic's green emerald eyes. Sonic was starting to blush harder and quickly got up from the table because her hand was so close to touching his private area.

"W-wait now hold on"

"Aww what's a matter Sonic. Is it too much for you baby, is that it?"

"W-well no, its just. I'm not ready to take it that far with you just yet. I was wondering if we can get to know each other first."

Ruby then began to laugh at Sonic's face.

"You are too much"

Ruby then grabbed her plate and packed it up to leave.

"W-wait, are you being serious about going on a date with me?"

"Hahaha of course not"

"You know their are a lot of ladies that would like to go out with their hero."

"Sorry to break it to you but im not like most ladies"

Ruby said walking out if the restaurant. Sonic put his head down but then he lift it back up and then ran to Ruby's retreating form. He was a little bit mad about the way she was treating him like a joke.

"Hey wait a second!"


"Why can't you just give me a chance?"

"Why should I?"

"Your the only girl that isn't falling for me and in my eyes that is something different"

"Oh I'm sorry, you want me to waste my time on a guy that isn't going to give me the time and day"

"What? No that's not what I'm trying to say...."

Ruby cut Sonic off

"Listen okay, I appreciate you for helping me but I don't want to go out with you."


"Because....because then I don't want to go back to sleep"

Ruby mumbled the last part to herself. Sonic wasn't able to hear her.

"What was that?"

"Because I know its going to be easy for me to fall in love with you"

Sonic smiled and got close to Ruby and grabbed her hand holding it on to his and looked into her eyes.

"Is that such a bad thing?"

Sonic then leaned his head on Ruby's forehead, she looked into his eyes. She does admit she likes his determination, heroic, attitude and good looks.

"For me it is"

Ruby then pushed Sonic away.

"I'm gonna eat my lunch at your place, since I am staying there for a while"

Sonic didn't understand he was so close but she pushed him away.

"Right. Have a good lunch"

Ruby just waved her hand walking away.

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