My head was spinning, I didn't want any of this, all I wanted was my husband back. but as I thought of Thorin my eyes grew wet once more and then I recalled his words, 'you are strong, but you will have to be stronger.' "Fine we will get it done as soon as possible for I have other business to attend to today."

"Very well your majesty." Balin smiled and bowed before exiting.

I walked out of the throne room and into the tomb room, a room where my husband and his nephews laid.

A team of skilled sculptures had been working on the tombs all night, they were going to be white marble, so pristine and strong just like the men who would lay inside of them for eternity.

The three of them were already laying in the bottom half of the tombs. All three had been cleaned and Kíli had been put in an outfit of shiny Dwarven armor, his bow laid across his chest. Fíli had brand new throwing knives on his person along with his sword laying across his chest. Last was my love, I looked down at his body lovingly and caressed his face.

I was just beginning to form that all too familiar lump in my throat when someone's presence pulled me away from my feelings.

"My Queen." An angelic voice sounded.

I turned to see The Lady Galadriel standing there so regally.

She glided over to me and embraced me warmly before walking over to the handsome sons of Durin. She placed respectful kissed atop their heads and then spoke lowly as she waved her hand gracefully over all three of them, "this should preserve them forever."

I thanked her and then we retreated back to the throne room.

"I have come to swear you into your new title." She announced.

"Is that truly called for?"

"You will have many question your legitimacy, who else than the highest order of the guardians to say that you are the rightful ruler." She said.

I nodded.

"While I offer my most heartfelt condolences I also offer my congratulations on your son."

I stopped walking, my eyes wide as I let my hand go to my stomach.

"I can hear his strong heartbeat, just like his fathers." She added, "and his mothers."

I began to cry again.

"I don't know if I can do this my lady."

"You can and you must, you are strong my child and you will make for an excellent leader."

The rest of the day people came from all over, free folk, more Elves from the woodland realm, Elves from Rivendell (my family included), and lastly came the Dwarves from the blue mountain.

"My queen."

I turned and smiled "Bofur, how can I help you?"

He stood up straight and then walked up to me as he placed two stones into my hand, one was on a chain while the other laid alone.

"I found these in Fíli's pocket, I remember seeing Kíli playing with one every now and again." He said a little sadly. "They have a dwarfish rune on them that translates to 'come back' in the common tongue."

"Thank you Bofur, I've heard their mother has arrived, I think I will give these to her to remember her sons by."

He nodded and then bowed before leaving.

. . . . .

The throne room was filled with many faces as The Lady Galadriel spoke clearly and swore me into the throne as Queen Dowager then placed the Thorin's crown upon my head.

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