Taehyung ~ Stands up for you

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"I don't want to go to school." You said, "Please, don't make me go." You were practically begging, fighting back tears.

"Why? What's the problem?" Namjoon asked.

"There's no problem! I just- I just don't wanna go." He chuckled and you groaned, wiping your eyes.

"Tough look princess, we'll pick you up later." You sighed and walked away, not even bothering to say goodbye. "Bye then!" You ignored them.

However, deep down you knew you couldn't be mad at the guys. After all, it wasn't them who were hurting you. You kept your head down when you walked to your locker, "So we- Ew! Look it's that fag, Y/N!" You sighed, "What is she doing here?"

"I know right... she's such a slag, fucking guys day and night. Disgusting." You bit your lip and tried to ignore the comments, you were used to them though. That's the sad thing. It was never ending hate, which is the reason why you don't want to come to school, pretty much everyone wants you dead.

Someone shoulder barged you when they walked past you, causing you to lose it. "Listen here you fucktards, I've had it with your stupid bullying. Can you fuck off please and goddamn thanks."

Devonte stepped forward laughing, he walked closer to you and stood a few inches away from your face. "You don't talk to us like that, emo."

"But I just did." You were shoved into the lockers, causing you to let out a gasp.

"Remember what I said." You fell to the floor, "Stay where you belong. At the bottom." Everyone laughed and walked away, leaving you on the floor, trying to regain your breath. You looked around and saw the empty corridor, a tear rolled down your face when you heard laughter.

Me: please can someone pick me up..

Taehyung: did something happen?

"Hand me your phone." You looked up at Mrs Hales, "I will not ask twice, Y/N." she spat.

"No, I will not pass you my phone. I was messaging a family member, it was an urgent matter." You manage to stand up, fighting away the pain.

Taehyung: Y/N?

"An urgent matter? If it's urgent, why didn't you go to the office?"

"Because I was out here." Mrs Hales reached out and took my phone. "Give it back you old hag!"

"Would you like to repeat that, Y/N?" She raised her eyebrow and you cleared your throat.

"Give me back my phone, you old hag." You snatched it out of her hands and made your way to class. She was calling your name but you didn't turn back.
You turned a corner and tripped over someone's foot. "Watch where you're going, freak!"

"I-" You were cut off when a hand collided with your face, leaving you speechless.

"I said, watch where you're going freak." You were shoved to the ground and the person walked off, completely ignoring your cry of pain. You were beginning to believe all of the things you were being told, but it's okay right?


Taehyung: What's happened?

You ran into the bathroom instead of class, you locked yourself into the stall and started to cry. "Everything is just falling for shit! This isn't fair!" You sobbed, right now, you didn't care if anyone heard you. Your phone began to rang, it was Tae. "Hello? Are you alright? What's wrong?"

Instead of replying you just sobbed, you sobbed your heart out. "Come and get me..." You ended the phone call and cried into your hands, you lifted up your sleeve. "I swore I'd never... I'd never do it again but.. I-"

The stall door opened, revealing a girl called Chloe. "Oh my gosh! You actually cut yourself, that's like, so pathetic!" She laughed as you carried on to cry, "Go and do it again. I dare you, you deserve it anyway." You stood up and pushed past her.

"Where do you think your going bitch?!" Everyone in the corridor turned to face you. The room began to spin when everyone dropped their bags and came towards you.
Running outside, you tripped over and fell, landing on your ankle.

"I don't know what the fuck you did to Chloe, but you'll pay." A boy, who began to kick you, said. You let out a cry of pain when a foot collided with your broken and bruised body.

"Hey is someone recording this?" Someone laughed, you couldn't tell who it was.

You were kicked and then pulled up by your hair. "Look at you, how pathetic." Devonte spat in your face and slapped you afterwards.

"That's being too nice, here watch-" The next thing shocked you, a fist met with your face, causing you to sob again. Your mouth was bleeding and your ankle was definitely sprained.

"L-leave me.. leave me alone."

"Ha! Look at it, trying to save itself."

They're right, I'm sad and pathetic. I'm alone and a cutter. I'm a slag and disgusting. I deserve all of this, I do.
I know I do, there is nothing that can tell me otherwise.

The abuse went on for about thirty minutes. Thirty minutes of pain, of tears and of laughter. The laughter, of course, was aimed at you. "We're done here."

"Learn from this lesson, you cow. Next time, we won't be so easy." Everyone walked away, leaving you on the floor, surrounded by your own blood and shaking in the cold.



"Oh my god, what happened to you?!" I ran to here and helped her up, I gasped when I saw her face. Y/N had a split lip, a cut on her forehead, a black eye and a bloodied mouth.

"I.. got what.. I deserved." She mumbled, tears still streaming down her face. I turned around and looked at the others who were very clearly mad.

"Look after her, I'll be back in a minute."

I walked inside the school and slammed the dork behind me. "Oh my god! Taehyung Oppa!"

"Shut the fuck up! I don't know which one of you did it, but I swear to god. Hurt Y/N like that again, and I'll hurt you." My voice was calm and even.

"But we're you fans, you'd never hurt us!" A girl said and I scoffed.

"You're no fan of mine if you hurt my family. Do you hear me loud and clear?" A boy stepped forward with a grin plastered on his face.

"Ah Taehyung. You can't stop us, the slag deserved it." What I did next shocked me, I punched the boy in the face. "What the fuck man?!"

"Don't talk about her like that!"

"Tae, we need to leave. Now!" Yoongi grabbed my arms and held me back, if he wasn't there, that stupid boy would've been on the floor.

"Is she okay?"



You opened your eyes and groaned in pain, "Wha?"

"You're awake? How are you feeling?" You went to open your mouth to talk but let out a hiss of pain. "I know sweetie, I know. You'll be better by tomorrow, pain wise anyway."

"I'm .. sorry." You mumbled.

"It's not your fault. I promise you." Tae whispered.


"We took care of them. The school suspended them all, and you're now officially being homeschooled." He said, "If anyone hurts you like that again, I will not hesitate to hurt them more." 

A small chuckled escaped your lips, "Thank you.. Tae."

"I love you little sis!" He smiled and so did you, "Be careful, take it easy and rest."

"Thank you..."

Genuinely might update everyday because I have nothing else to do¡

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