Hanged x And x Sewer Water (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

"I've been out of practice", she groans as she grabs the knife and attempts to hit it again," it's not like throwing a knife into a tree cause at least it would stick into the wood and you could just grab it to cut yourself down." She groans as she tosses the knife again and misses. As soon as the knife falls, sewer water shoots out from the sides of the nearby drains spewing everywhere.

I felt my heart starting to jump out from my chest as the contaminated water approached closer while Siren again tries throwing the knife and again fails. Honestly, just her attempt alone to free me made me smile despite the situation, but I wasn't getting out of her. Not alive anyhow. I didn't have enough time and I wasn't going to bring her down with me because I wouldn't make it. She couldn't keep doing this, she wasn't going to die because of me. She had to escape if only she made it out that would be alright for me. "Hey?" I called out. I tried to get her attention but she doesn't acknowledge me. I again tried to get her attention but she doesn't hear me she only keeps throwing the knife over and over again non-stop.

"Siren, stop!" I yelled, but she doesn't give in. "Please, Siren you can't keep doing this, so would you just stop!?"

She pants exhaustedly as she again tries throwing the knife and fails as she looks up at me in disbelief. I sighed slowly letting go of the rope until I was hanging upside down again as blood slowly started making its way towards my head. I smiled softly, crossing my arms across my chest as I looked at her tilting my head slightly to see her better. "You know, there's no point in us both dying. You should just leave."

"But I can get you down...I just have to angle right here and...", but before I let her finish I stopped her.

"And what? Miss again so you could try just to miss again?", I shooked my head. "You need to leave or you'll drown. Look", I pointed over towards the water coming from the drains, "it's here...you have to go."

"I can help you".

"I don't need your help", I smiled as I grabbed the rope and pull myself back up so that the blood could settle back down and my vision could return to normal. I looked down at her and seeing her face from this angle so I could remember her even in death. "Siren leave...".

She looked up at me hesitantly but finally lowers her hand down as she begins to turn away. I smiled seeing her leave, but the empty feeling of her leaving me consumed me. I watched as the water splashed slightly underneath her feet and closed my eyes as she left. I groaned as I let myself hang down again as I started estimating how much time I would have left alive. Seeing how the water was starting to flow faster, I would likely have a few minutes thirty to forty minutes left before I drowned. If I'm lucky it will flow from the drains faster and—

"Ouch! What the hell!", I screeched as a sharp aching pain shoots through my right hand immediately oozing blood from the exit. I let go of the rope angrily as I hanged down. As I looked at my hand I saw a medium-sized hunter's knife sticking through my hand all the way through till the tip was on the outside of my hand. I grip the handle and pulled the knife out by reflex, which only makes more blood spill.

"It worked!", Siren yelps. I groaned as I spotted her and aimed the knife at her with my uninjured hand.

"Why would you do that!?" I screamed. She grins at me perkily.

"I needed a soft surface that could easily be pierced. You were the only soft surface I had so I just went with it." She smiled. I opened my mouth to say something to her, but before I can get a chance to she stops me, "you can yell at me later cut yourself down. That sewer water is coming fast and we need to get out of here before we get buried in crap...literally."

I groaned as I gripped the rope hesitantly with my bleeding hand and grasp it, to hold myself up as I cut myself down. Once it's was cut I fell down lacking the strength in my right hand to hold onto the rope. I landed on my back as Siren immediately comes to my aid. "I'm fine!", I yelled as I gathered to my feet quickly. "Let's go."

{Protector} Hisoka x Male Reader (Hunter x Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now