Ok That Just Happened

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That's all I hear I cant see anything and I don't know why but it's starting to freak me out. Why can't I see. Ugh this is fucking ridiculous. I try to feel the ground beside me but I hit something.

"I wouldn't move if I wear u"
It sounded like the guy from before but WHY THE FUCK CANT I SEE. "Why r ur eyes closed?".

Oh...hum hehe. That's why I open my eyes and sure enough it was him sexy man God. Holly fuck he was hot like...I don't even have the words to describe him. Get it  I'm mute....hehehe

Anyways there was so many gun shots going off that I didn't know what to do.  I looked at the man and he was busy shooting someone when I was grabbed by my arm and yanked into the shadows.

I frantically look around to see Miles. I give him the biggest smile ever and then BANG!

I look Miles to see and very sad look on his face. Wtf is wrong with you. Then I look down at my stomach. Shit that's why. I've been shot.

Then everything goes black.

*#miles pov#*

He fucking SHOT HER!! Oh bitches about to die now. I go on a shooting spree and in a matter of seconds everyone is dead. Me and the guys look around to see if anyone is left and good thing there's not.

I rush back to my love, my on and only. Cheaking her heart beet. It's not right, it's too...slow. shit shit shit shit fucking a.

I pick her up and run to the hospital. My pack hospital and the doctor took her from my arms and told me to wait at the door.

4hours have gone past and the doctor finally comes out but didn't look so good. Blood all over him and a sad look on his face he said. "I'm sorry we did everything we could" no this can't be happening. "It turns out that the bullet when right through her main organs and killed her. I'm sorry for your loss"

I can't believe she's gone why did this have to happen why. I just wish there was something I could do. "But" the doctor said. I looked up at him frantically hopefully. "We did save the baby"

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