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I woke up from my sleep and I was still under the tree but there was another wolf beside me, i didnt know what to do and before even thinking i jumped up and let the wolf fall to the ground. they snapped there head up and looked at my.

he gave me a stay there look and i did as he inplied. he went behind the tree and came back with boxers on. holy fucking hell. he had an amazing six pack and i was taken out of the thoughts by him talking.

"my name is Jake Sampson, the soon to be alpha of the Moon Cresecnt Pack. what are you doing on my teritory." my being me i didnt answer, so he said in a harsher tone, "SHIFT NOW" i nodded and went behind the tree shifted and put on a large tee shirt that i had packed in my bag along with underwere and shorts.

i walked out from behind the tree and he asked the same question again. "what are you doing on my teritory rouge" he spat the last word out at my, i grabed my notebook and pen and quickly wrote down, 'i ran away from my pack, they abused me and i almosted died several times, i am mute' i handed it to him and his face sofened up and then my wolf came out of no were and started danceing around in my head. *mate go to mate*. &no he doesnt want an abused mute freak like us& i said and she quieted down.

"you are coming to my pack house were you will meet my father, alpha, and if he says, you can stay." i nodded followed him out of the woods to a huge house and im guessing that its his pack house. "oh before we go in let me just tell you i need to say somthing later." i nodded and he opened the door.

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

we talked to the alpha and his name was Austin. now we were heading to my room and as i was about to close the door i taped Jake on the sholder. he turned around and i grabed my pen and notebook and wrote. 'what was it you wanted to tell me?'

"oh yeah um....ill...tell you tomorrow" he said then left. well that we weird then i realized what was going to happen.

&hes going to reject us Liza&

*no hes not...hang on ill ask his wolf.*

she came back 10 minutes later and i just finished un packing and i could since her in my head. &what did he say&

*im not saying...you... you will have to find out.*

i could sence the sadness in her voice, i knew i was right.i heard a knock on my door and i went to open it and i saw that it was Miles i gave him a small smile and waved him into my roon. i sat on my bed with my pen and notebook and wrote. 'so did you wanna talk to me about somthing?' i handed it to him and he read it.

"hey yeah i just wanted to make sure you were settling in ok." i nodded and moved my hand for him to continue.

"um...ugh how am i supposed to say this" he wispered. i furrowed my eye brows and he smiled at me. "i will just tell you tomorrow when you get more settled in, but do you wanna go swimming?"

'yes but i dont have a suit, and i dont know when im going shopping." i said.

" i can take you tomorrow and in the mean time you can use one of my sisters, im sure she wont care, she can come to if you want."

'to many people freak me out so can it be just you and me, and borrowing is ok with me. but just untill i get me own.' he chuckled and nodded. he came back about 5 minutes later and handed me a two piece suit, a dark red. i smiled and pat the bed telling him to sit.

i walked into the bathroom and changed, i put a tee shirt on over and walked out. he smiled and i blushed a little. i dont know why but i did. we walked out and i noticed that he was already wereing his trunks.

we got outside and we walked to the pool. i love swimming i was so good at it. i took of my socks and tee shirt and turned around to him jumping in the pool, i got a glims of his back and his muscles are amazing.

i ran and jumped in after him. when i came up he wasnt there started to freak out when i was pulled up and turned around. i opened my eyes to see Miles, ok i have to admit he was cute. with his green eye and brown hair.

i smiled and so did he. we both went up for air and i saw Jake standing, i stiffened up and Miles must have noticed because he turned around to see him to. "hey man we were just swimming, did somthing happen." Miles said. Jake shuck his head and looked at me.

"i just needed to talk to Becca, can you put a shirt on and come here for a second." i nodded and climbed out of the pool put my shirt on and walked over to were Jake was standing. i looked at him in confusion.

"i Jake Canence, reject you, Becca Aktinson as my mate" then we walked away. w..what, did that just happened.

MY Abused Muted MateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang