Runing Away

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its now 10:00 and I still haven't heard from Liza. I finished the dishes so now I was sitting on my mattress, (bed).

*hey I cant mind link her its been to long. but I think we should do it.*

%really, wont Luke find us?%

*no I can block him out so he wont know were we are going, we have to leave in an hour so hurry and pack your things.%

I did as she said and emptied my bag, putting a pair of socks, a bra, underwear, a shirt and a pair of sweatpants. also a picture of my whole family before my parents died. I put on my Nike sneakers and Nike sweater, that I bought with my own money from working. before my parents died they left a bunch of money for me and my brother, be spent his but I used it in those saving bonds things, now I have about $10000 ish.

I put my money in my bag along with my charger, I checked my phone to see the time was 11:30, it was time to go. I swung my bag over my solder and jumped out my window.

%are you ready% I asked Liza.

*yes, let me shift baby*

I chuckled at her and striped down, putting my cloths in my bag. I closed my eyes imagining my all white wolf.(picture above) white wolves were very rare and very powerful. ill tell you more of that later, I heard bones cracking and shifting and when I opened my eyes I see my white paws.

I picked up my bag with my mouth and ran into the woods as fast as I could. I kept running and running, and running. I didn't pay attention to were I was going, I knew I had ran far away from the house because nothing looked the same.

as I looked back while still running I could only hope that Luke didn't find me. I slowed down so I was trotting, I was technology a rouge now so I had to be carful. I knew it was late so I found a big tree and set my bag down, and sat down next to it. soon enough I was asleep, and so I let the darkness take over.  

~~~~~~~~Jakes POV~~~~~~~~~~

I was out patrolling and it was like 12:30 maybe 1 in the morning. something didn't feel right at the border, i mind linked Miles my best friend and soon to be beta, that I was going to check it out. I think he could here the worriedness or what ever in my voice because her replied with a yes. 

*what do you think it is, rouges... because it doesn't smell like a rouge, and I only smell one* my wolf Kane said.

%I don't know, and I know it doesn't smell like a rouge, if it did do you think I would be going to check it out by my self dumbo%

he huft and went to the back on my head, still cautions though. as I walked closer I smelt something really sweet, like pine and flowers. *mate, Mate, MATE* Kane was jumping around I'm my head like crazy.

as I walked up to my mothers favorite tree I saw a pure whit wolf sleeping there, I could tell that Miles sensed something wrong and he mind linked me. ~hey man do you need help~ he said. ~there is a pure white wolf just laying here.~ I said.

~can you tell Zoe and Mike to come and take our spot for a minute so you can come here.~ I asked, he said yes and about five minutes later he was here. he looked at her and I couldn't help but growl a little. ~sorry man, but I think she is my mate.~ I said, he looked shocked but then had a wolfy grin on his face.

~well it is 3 in the morning so the sun will be coming up soon.~ he said. ~wtf its 3 already, hole crap~ I said, how could it already be 3. I have to go do training, but what was I supposed to do with her.

~ill go tell you dad you had an issue to deal with so you will be a while?~ he said, I nodded and sat down next to the white wolf and he dashed off.

well little mate I hope you wake up soon because you are going to be in for a surprise.


Please for give me for any mistakes... Especially in spelling...I have dilexia so it's hard for my sometimes...Plz vote and enjoy the story...Live y'all...❤❤❤

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