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1933, Egypt, near Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead

Rick O'Connell walked around an underground room in a very old Egyptian temple with his wife, Evelyn and her cousin Madylinn. The two women loved everything about Egypt and could read the old languages. They studied the country's temples and its old stories. Rick and Evelyn met ten years earlier. The both of them, Madylinn and Jonathan found the mummy of Imhotep in Hamunaptra, in the desert. After 3,000 years, Imhotep woke up and tried to kill Evelyn and tried to mate with Madylinn. He wanted to be the king of Egypt first, and then king of the world. But Rick fought with Imhotep and won. The mummy returned to his strange sleep below the ground of Hamunaptra, and Rick married Evelyn. Madylinn was living with them.

"Dad! Dad!" a small boy shouted, and ran into the big room.

Rick swung around frightened.

"What were you thinking, a mummy had come back to life?"

"I'll tell you a story some time. What are you doing down here? I told you to wait for us in the temple. It's dangerous down here", Rick said to his eight-year-old son.

"But Dad, I saw your tattoo!"

Alex looked at the tattoo on his father's hand. It showed a pyramid with the Eye of Horus. Rick didn't know anything about his tattoo. It was there when he was a baby.

"You saw what?"

"On a wall by the entrance. There's a cartouche just like it. With the pyramid and the eye... and the two kings and everything."


"Yeah. Come and see."

"Okay. Well, I'll be up to take a look at that in a minute. In the meantime, I want you to wait for us up there while I help your mom and aunt. Pick up your stuff and I'll see you up in the temple. Go on."

"And what shoulder I do?"

"I don't know. Surprise me. Build a better mousetrap."


"While your mom and aunt go and desecrates another tomb", Rick mumbled.

In a different room, Evelyn O'Connell and Madylinn Carnahan studied a strange picture on a large door. It showed two people in a fight, not men, but beautiful young women. Evelyn couldn't see their faces, but she thought,

'I know these women. Where are they from? Where did I see them before?Maybe the answers are behind this door.'

A snake made its way over the sandy ground.

"Go away."

Madylinn picked it up with her foot and kicked it away, into Rick's direction.

"Those are poisonous, you know."

"Only if they bite you."

"Rick, come and help us", she said, "I want to open this heavy door. By the way, what was all that about?"

"Yes, ma'am", Rick said with a smile", and nothing. Alex wanted to show me something. I swear... the kid gets more and more like you every day."

"You mean more attractive, sweet... and devilishly charming?"

Madylinn bit back a laugh.

Pharaoh's Daughter-The Mummy's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now