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I woke up on the floor. I sit up and see Jake holding Wesker against the wall. "Jake!" I scream his name, Jake and Wesker look at me. Jake smirks. "You really seem to care for this sack of shit, even after he left you to die." Jake says as he looks at me with a glare. I stare at them and stand up. Jake shakes his head. "You're  stupid." Jake told me and Wesker punched Jake to the side. Jake came back for a counterattack and Wesker dodge him. "You may be my child, but you do not have my power." Wesker hissed at him, Wesker's hand went straight through Jake's stomach. I watched them, I stared at Wesker's bloody hand sticking out of Jake's back. Wesker pulled his hand out Jake and walked towards me. I stared at him and he put his unbloody hand on my shoulder. "Come on (Y/N)." Wesker says and begins to walk away. I pause for a moment and a arm wraps around my neck. "I may not have your power but I'm still your son, I have your healing powers." Jake says as his arm tightens around my neck. I gasp for air and Wesker turns around, he looks at me. My vision falters and begins to fade. "Better save her soon or she'll be nothing more to you." Jake says and Wesker steps forward. Jake steps back, dragging me with him. My vision turns black and I pass out.

---3rd person---

Wesker steps towards Jake and (Y/N). "Let her go." Wesker hissed at Jake, (Y/N) was limp against him but still breathing. Wesker took another step towards Jake. "She'd be so much better without you. Maybe the world too. Someone that could support her and protect her is who she deserves. Someone who won't leave her to die." Jake provoked Wesker. Wesker stared at Jake, he was gritting his teeth. Jake smirked and tightened his arm more. (Y/N)'s face began to turn red and Wesker ran towards Jake. Wesker's fists blurred with speed as he went to hit Jake. Jake used (Y/N) as a shield. Wesker's fist met with her stomach. Even if she was passed out, she showed the pain. Wesker's stopped, staring at (Y/N). Wesker looked down. "Please let her go." Wesker mutter almost inaudible. Jake looked surprised and he laughed. "They were right! This bitch is your weakness!" Jake said as he looked at Y/N's face. Wesker glare at him and smiled. "Maybe she is, but she hasn't left me yet." Wesker says, still smiling. Jake stared at Wesker, then looked at (Y/N). Jake threw (Y/N) to the ground and walked towards Wesker. Jake and Wesker fought each other. Jake threw a fist towards Wesker's face and Wesker dodged it. Wesker blurred with speed as he punched Jake. Jake flew across the room but landed gracefully. Jake's feet touched the ground and he came running back. They threw a couple more punches at each other. Jake finally steps back and grabs (Y/N) by the neck. Jake looked at Wesker. "Another step and I'll snap her neck." Jake says and Wesker freezes.

--1st person--

My vision fades back in and I looked up. Wesker stood frozen across from me and Jake had his arm around my neck. Jake didn't hold my neck tightly, he held it loosely as if he was threaten Wesker. I slid out of his grasp and Jake stares at me. "How are you awake? I put you in a sleep lock, you shouldn't have woken up for hours." Jake says. I smile and look at Wesker. Jake stares at me and I pop my hip. "What do you think Jake? I'm with Wesker, and you think I'm not gonna have some kinda of ability?" I asked him and Jake looked away.  I turned to Wesker and kissed him quickly. I could tell he was unsatisfied with the quick kiss. I pat Wesker's cheek and turn back to Jake. "Its best if you leave." I tell him and Jake just smiles. Jake looks me dead in the eyes. "I'll leave, but I hope you know this isn't the end." With those last words, he disappears out the door. I turn to Wesker and he was staring out of the doorway Jake left out of. I put my hands on Wesker's cheeks and forced him to look at me. I looked him in the eyes and he looks upset, like something was said to him that upset him. "Wesker?" I quietly call his name, his eyes meet mine. I kiss him and his arms wrap around my waist. He pulls me close and his tongue enters my mouth. He kisses me with such passion and love, I'm always surprised by it. I'm still surprised Wesker has this side.

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