What am i?

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I woke up, freezing. My eyes take in the color of the room, grey. I seem to be laying on a medical bed, like one used in surgery. I sit up slowly, my head spins and I bring my hand to my head. I take in the environment of the room. It was the bed I'm sitting on, there was jail like window, and the steel door to the room. I hear faint voices, I can't make out what they are saying. A ringing starts in my ear and I groan softly, putting my hand to my ear. The ringing, gets louder and louder until it stops, then it stopped, silence over came every thing. I heard the sift padding of someone walking. The door began to open. "Maybe one of them will finally...wake...up..." the scientist's voice trailed off when he saw me sitting there. His jaw dropped and he just stared at me. I looked at him. "W-where am-" I tries to ask him where I was but he bolted out of the room before I could finish. I could hear his departing running footsteps. I hopped down from the bed and walked towards the door. I heard heavy fast paced footsteps coming towards my door. 'I could run' I thought to myself but my chance was gone. The blond haired man from the forest stood in front of me, my breath caught in my throat and I began walking backwards. He followed me, every step I took, he took. Finally I hit the  bed. I could feel his breath on my face. He smirks and steps back. "Hello (Y/N). My name is Albert Wesker." He spoke in a bored tone. I was kinda shocked when he said my name but I held it together. Wesker smirked and slammed both his hands on the bed on each side of me. I looked at him with terror in my eyes. "Be scared of me, I can destroy you easily. Now come on." Wesker spoke against my ear. My cheeks warmed up and I looked away. "O-okay" I responded quietly. Wesker turned on his heels and I follow after him. The hall was long, grey and dark. We walked in a rushed pace. Wesker pushed opened a set of double doors. I was still following him and when I looked up. There was a bunch of people looking at me, surprised eyes and small gasps came from them. I froze in place. "Back to work, now!" Wesker barked his command at them and half turned to me. His hand pressed against my mid back, he pushed me along, into a small lab. "Sit there" Wesker told me, pointing at a medical bed. I obeyed his command and walked over to the bed and sat down. I crossed my ankles and looked at the floor. Wesker's feet came into view. I looked up at him. Wesker held a needle in his hand and he injected it into my arm. Wesker connected wires to my head, arms, and chest. Taking many tests and studies on me. After a while, I sat weary on the bed. Wesker leaned over many papers and studies. I stepped down from the bed and walked towards Wesker. I stepped beside Wesker, looking at the papers. My vision grew fuzzy. I looked at Wesker, and he glanced at me. I fall, never knowing if I hit the floor, darkness consumed me.
I woke up again freezing. I sit up and look around the room, everything was the same but this time I had a blanket. I stand up and walk towards the door when the door opens. A scientist came in, he had a smile on his face. "Hello, I'm Dane." Dane told me, he was holding a tray of (f/f). He handed it to me. "I thought you might be hungry. Does Wesker ever feed you?" Dane laughed at his own joke. I smiled until we heard a voice. "Very funny Dane." Wesker spoke in an annoyed tone. Dane and I looked at Wesker. "Aww Wesker don't take it that way, it's all fun and jokes." Dane spoke cheerfully. Wesker sighed and looked at me. "(Y/N), come with me." Wesker told me and I obeyed him, following him out the door. Wesker led me to the lab again. "I don't understand it. You. I don't understand you, these studies and tests they are....all unreadable. What are you?" Wesker muttered, almost to himself. Wesker looked at me. His sunglasses sat on the table. His red beady eyes stared into me. I shifted from foot to foot. Wesker grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. "What are you?" Wesker hissed his question. I winced back, closing my eyes. "I..I don't know." I tell him and bring my hands up.  Wesker continued to stare at me. "You make me curious." Wesker said quietly. "I wanna learn more but your too unreadable." Wesker muttered the last part. I suddenly feel light headed, I stagger forward into Wesker's arms where darkness consumes me.

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