day six

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jimin spent the entire next day in bed.

jungkook had to bite his lip to keep from crying when jimin had weakly shook his head that morning when the younger had suggested breakfast.

"i don't know... i don't know if i can get up," jimin had mumbled, his voice small.

so jungkook spent his day doting on jimin, making him breakfast again, although he hardly ate. he laid with him in bed and they watched television, jimin nearly falling asleep multiple times.

hoseok and yoongi had gone home the previous night as well, since they both had to work the next morning. yoongi hadn't wanted to leave, nor did jimin want to let yoongi leave. it was an emotional goodbye, since they all knew it would likely be the last. nobody dared say anything, however. they didn't want to depress everyone more than they already were.


it was after supper when they were back in bed, with some drama playing, when jungkook noticed jimin making quiet noises. he turned his head and saw his boyfriend, eyes closed and jaw clenched in pain, whimpering. his breaths were laboured and short.

"hyung?" he asked worriedly.

"kook, it-it hurts. bad." jimin managed to get out, voice hoarse as if he'd been screaming for hours on end.

of course, jimin had been experiencing chest pains for a while now. but because of the fact that jimin was running out of time and how badly he was dealing with it, that sent jungkook into panic mode. he grabbed his phone and quickly dialled jimin's doctor. he'd added the number to his phone in case of emergency.

"hello, doctor le–"

"hello, it's um, jimin's boyfriend. i think we have a problem?"

"oh, jungkook. what's going on?"

"he's ah, he's in a lot of pain. he says it hurts really bad. like more than usual."

"oh, dear. you should bring him in to the hospital, that doesn't sound good. he didn't do anything to cause the pains, did he?"

"no, not at all. we've just been laying in bed all day."

"okay, then yes, bring him in. i'll see you there."

after jungkook hung up, he slid his phone into his pocket and stood up. "hyung, we have to go to the hospital. okay? the doctor said to bring you in."

jimin opened his eyes, looking defeated. "o-okay."

jungkook walked around the other side of the bed and carefully picked jimin up. he made his way out of the apartment as quick as he could, making sure to grab his keys and wallet on the way out.

the drive to the hospital was not long, fortunately. jimin spent the entire five and a half minute trip gripping onto the armrest and alternating between coughing and breathing.

"h-hurry, kook."

"i'm trying, hyung."

the younger pulled into the hospital parking lot not long after, parking the car as quickly as he could and carrying jimin inside. he walked over to the reception desk, where there was a woman sitting at a computer.

"hi, is doctor lee here? it's uh, park jimin."

the lady nodded, standing up and gesturing for him to follow. she led him down the hall to a room, and told him to go ahead inside.

the doctor was already inside, looking out the window thoughtfully. when he heard jungkook come in, he turned and gave a tight smile. "hello, jungkook. jimin. why don't you lay him there on the bed, and i'll go grab a nurse?"

the doctor disappeared and jungkook carefully rested jimin onto the hospital bed.
"jungkook, i don't feel good."

"yes, hyung, i know. doctor lee's gonna help you out," jungkook soothed, kissing jimin in the forehead.

jimin looked up at him desperately. "no, like..." it was then jungkook noticed how out of it jimin was. his face had paled considerably and his eyes were half-closed.

"it's okay, hyung. you'll be alright." jungkook responded.

"kook...i love much."

jungkook nodded, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. he grasped onto jimin's small hands, rubbing his thumb over the smooth skin. "i know, hyung. i love you too. so much. that's why you're gonna stay strong, okay? you're gonna make it, yeah?"

jimin began to cry too. "kookie...thank you," he wheezed. "f-for've done."

"jimin, hyung please, don't-don't talk like that. you're not leaving me. not yet. i love you so much, you can't–" jungkook buried his face in jimin's shirt, his tears soaking the thin fabric.

a hand touched his shoulder, and jungkook lifted his head to see the doctor standing there. "please, sir. help him."

doctor lee pulled his lips into a thin line. "i'll do my best, jungkook. but you do know..." he trailed off, knowing jungkook knew what he was getting at.

jimin started to cough again, squeezing his eyes shut through the pain.

doctor lee and the nurse immediately got to work hooking up multiple tubes to jimin, jungkook not even knowing what any of them were. they spoke medical language to each other that sounded like absolute gibberish to jungkook.

the brunette remained by his boyfriends side the entire time, grasping his hand and pressing gentle kisses all over.

at one point, he looked up at doctor lee. "sir? may i speak to you outside for a moment?"

the older doctor nodded, and jungkook reluctantly got up from the bed and followed the man outside. "what did you want to speak to me about?" asked doctor lee.

jungkook bit his lip.

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