I Was Tagged/Sorry, not an update

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Sorry, guys, I know you were expecting an update but I was tagged an I'm not one to back out of these things. Anyways, I was tagged by 123otaku4lyf

My dumb self has just found out how to tag. Yay to me! As a reward? COFFEE! at three in the morning... ☕️ ❤️☕️ ❤️☕️

Also, before I start, I am currently working on the next chapter and it should be posted soon. Sorry for the long wait, I was updating and working on stories on FanFiction.net. My pen name is FreedomJones.

Okay, here we go.

Okay, here we go

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1.) My birthday is August 31, 2000 (which means I'm 16 at this very moment for those who don't feel like doing math like me).

2.) I can't express my emotions verbally very well so I create a life in my characters I could never seem to have. (I'm usually not depressing, I swear).

3.) I'm addicted to coffee so much that I even get grouchy with readers when I don't have it. (True story, I have screenshots. I don't have any with readers but with some of my friends I can get mean).

4.) I hate math with a passion. (Fml, I thought I was on three).

5.) I go by many nicknames and love when people call me Jace, Author-san, Yuki, etc., because I dislike my real name a lot).

And that's it. That's me. If you want me to answer more questions, comment here or message me and I'll post another thing. 😁😉


Lots of love! I'm tagging fifteen (Jesus) people now! I freaking hope I count correctly. Fml, oh, my God.

1fancyhorse My first commenter that got me writing more.

-Mystic-Night- Ahh, one of my fav readers.

Bipperlove666 My friend is a Bipper lover, too

Akihitolover Sounds familiar. What's it from?

Blackjackthepegasus1 I thought this said BackBackJesus. I'm so sorry, I legit don't have my glasses on. (They're nerd glasses btw. I look damn good in them (I think)).

Chocalate-Lover1016 Saaaame

hubbabubba8 GUM

_Fox-Spirit_ Rawr

WishIWasJessiesGirl ~Jessie's girl~~~ NANANANANA

IAMTHECARTWHEEL Fucking love your name oml and I don't know why

AshtheAmazingMerlin You and your comments inspired a lot of the chapters in many of my stories. Thank you.

athlete68 Really? Any specific sport or just one in general? I mean, I barely run but I can pretend to be interested if you want to talk about them. I can do that, totally.

Fuck, I lost count. Wait, I'm going back up. Okay, I'm at 12 (this is a little note for me)

GhostDog13 How'd the dog die? Just curious.

EvilEspressoDrinks They're damn good, though. My friend told me that coffee must be sinful. I just looked at her and said, "Then I guess I'm going to Hell... *slurps ☕️*"

PizzaDoughnut That sounds delicious. Is it an actual thing? If so, where can I get some?

Uh, that's it... I think. Geez, I really suck at math.


New update coming soon!

Holy shit, this was over 500 words! I am so sorry.

Here, enjoy this Doriticorn:

Here, enjoy this Doriticorn:

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