I need help

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So as all of you know I am about as straight as a rainbow. Since the election and inauguration of Donald Trump I have noticed a spike in Homophobic, Ableist, Transphobic, Racist, etc jokes on the internet. What kills me is that the majority of the internet thinks this is funny. For example of what I've heard around my hometown.
"The number of shoes on my feet symbolize how many genders there are."
"I have terminal cancer, it's called gay pride."
"I'm growing tumors all over after that presentation."
"I'm an attack helicopter! My pronouns are att/ack."
Tonight I felt put down when I found out one of my long time favorite actor's views on LGBTQ rights. I am quoting this here.
"Seriously, is this kind of behavior that we're gonna have to accept? We're gonna have to get forced to accept this? Is this what we want to teach our children in America that this perverted behavior is okay? Really, libtard America??? Are you out of your freakin' minds? Wow! Un-fucking-believable!"
I felt empty and disgusting. I feel dirty, unclean, and just slimy. I'm Demisexual so I don't take place in perverted acts at all but for people to aim stuff like this at me just makes me feel dehumanized and alone. I feel like I'm trapped and I can't make people understand without more people dehumanizing me and making a "dank libtard meme" out of me like all the other feminists on YouTube who are getting roasted. Because they're able to laugh it off as a joke they're all good. I'm way too sensitive to do that. I've thought I felt depressed before. That shit was nothing compared to what I feel now. I feel like yelling and crying all the time and I just feel disgusting and empty. I want to be proud of myself but I don't feel like I can do that and be Panromantic /Demisexual at the same time. I've started to feel that the only way to get around successfully without being roasted is being a conservative homophobic asshole like everyone else. I've already tried to look up how to make myself straight, only to find that my mom put up blockers to keep me from doing so.
I feel empty except for anger and sadness and fear fogging my mind. Even as I write this hot tears are rolling down my face and landing on my phone. I just feel like I want to die. When I was a little girl and Nemo died I dreamed of dying and flying off to heaven to see him again. I know that I'll never see him again because no matter how much I may be considered a "good person", no matter how many cats I save, how many donations I raise for the homeless, how many people I keep from killing themselves, how much I believe in God and celebrate Christian Holidays, I will always be considered a sinner in the eyes of Heaven and I will never be let into the pearly gates. I haven't stole, murdered, cheated, etc. I go to church with my Aunt once a month, I pray for a better world, I wait to loose my virginity until marriage, I always give others the benefit of the doubt and show kindness and compassion to as many people as I can. But I'll never be a good person and all because I have to love people who aren't boys. I'll only ever be seen as a Pervert and a Sinner. I don't feel like I can do it anymore. I can't vent to my family because they wouldn't understand. I come up with excuse after excuse such as
"I miss my hometown!"
"My friend is moving to Florida."
"I'm scared for ninth grade!"
"My medicine isn't working!"
No matter how many excuses I come up with, I just keep lying. I don't feel like I can be a good person and be pansexual.

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