Hunter found himself subconsciously nodding. When he hits old age, he hoped he'd carry this much wisdom.

Suddenly, he sensed his mate hovering patiently behind him. He turned and his eyes trailed up his body. He was sad to see him with a t-shirt on but expressed a loving smile, giving him the confidence to complete his journey.

He had a question.

"Hello," Hunter's senses spiked when his leg made contact with his arm on the way down the steps.

Hi," He said quietly and pulled at the bottom of his t-shirt as he stood on the grass. "U-Um, could you help me with something?"

"Sure," Hunter stood up when his grandmother let go of him. "What's up?"

"Can you help me get used to my wolf?"

Hunter let out a happy sigh and walked over.

"I would do anything to see your pup form," He chuckled. Jacob pursed his lips with a little smile. "Do you know how to change on command?" His mate shook his head, realising it only happened when he heard or felt his power. Hunter tapped his chin with thought but he knew what he had to do. "Let's go further into the field and sit down."

When Hunter turned, Jacob surprised him and slotted his hand perfectly into his. His immediate reaction was to squeeze it but he was trying not to pull him into a kiss with satisfaction.

When they made it to the middle of the field, they sat down on the grass.

"Okay, get comfortable and close your eyes," Hunter said and watched him do it. "Now you need to imagine your-"

Suddenly, there was a loud and troubled howl coming from a long way away as it echoed through the air. Hunter turned recognising it immediately.

"Hunter!" Sam's voice echoed in his head. He sounded very distressed. "I'm stuck in an animal trap, I need help!"

Hunter stood up and instantly started running towards the trees. Jacob watched him transform into his wolf form and he didn't stop, he only ran faster.

"Don't worry, I'm on my way."

Anthony ran over to Jacob with a questioning frown.

"What's happening? Was that Sam's howl?"

Jacob nodded with concern.

"He said he's stuck in an animal trap."

Anthony widened his eyes.

"This is not good. If there are people watching that trap, we'll be exposed." He turned into a big white wolf and followed his son's scent, just as Margo ran past too.

Jacob turned and hurried back to the house where his dad and Flora were watching.

"What's happening?" Scott asked.

"Um, a member of Hunter's pack is stuck in an animal trap. they've gone to help him."

Hunter was galloping through the woods, he could tell he wasn't that far from Sam but he needed to help him quickly. With animal traps, there are usually camera's and people watching nearby. He was worried and obviously drops everything to come to his Beta's side. Sam is his best friend and even though he's mean to him a lot of the time, he really does care about him.

When he heard a low and sorrow filled howl, he knew he was injured.

"I can see you," Hunter thought. "Have you seen any humans?"

"I-I haven't. I can't smell any." He sounded like he was in a lot of pain.

Hunter's eyes watched the surroundings while his parents silently stood behind him. He caught sight of two other pack members, Ricky and Jonah also watching through the trees. They must have heard his howl too.

Sam's front left leg was caught in a metal trap that was impaling him. It looked deep and very serious. Just as Hunter lifted his paw to walk over, he heard the crunching of leaves under somebody's footsteps.

Everyone watched as two people exposed themselves. They had their hoods up while one of them brought a radio to their mouth.

"We've got one, bring the rifle."

Hunter's heart thumped. Are their intentions to kill?

Sam growled when one of the guys stood closer. He tried shuffling back but winced in pain.

Hunter connected his mind with Jonah, Ricky and his parents.

"Move out, we need to scare them off before they get guns involved." Everyone followed his command and pushed through the trees. The humans got a fright and pushed their backs to one another when they realised they were surrounded.

The one with the radio dropped it and froze. Hunter's eyes were very cold and he was getting closer and closer. He growled, showing that he wasn't happy about this, not one little bit.

"What do we do?" The human whispered to his friend.

"I-I..." He stuttered, realising they had messed up. "If we stay still, they might leave?"

"I say we make a run for it. They might only be here to protect their injured wolf."

Jonah and Ricky comforted Sam by gently licking his fur. The white wolves were staring hard at the humans, knowing they can't just let them leave.

"Okay," The human was breathing hard. "Let's run in three... two... one... GO!"

They swiftly turned and started to sprint but Hunter was quick and chased them. They were running for their lives and they knew they wouldn't win against Wolves.

Margo bit into one of their ankles and sent him crashing to the woodland floor as Anthony and Hunter jumped on the other guy. He fell onto his stomach and turned immediately.

That's when his hood fell and his identity was out in the open. Hunter rested a paw on his chest and dug his nails into his skin. He looked up to his fearful face when he let out a cry of pain, only to stop and watch with shocked eyes.

"Dad... I-It's," He could barely believe who he was looking at. Anthony sat back with sudden horror and disbelief. "It's William."

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