Chapter Thirty: Trivial

Start from the beginning

"I don't mind," he stated quietly, crossing his arms and leaning on the counter. "Taken girls like you are more of a challenge."

I still don't know exactly what it was that set me off; I know it was either the disgustingly arrogant way he'd said it, or maybe just the words themselves... maybe it was the way he'd been undressing me with his eyes since he walked in. The next thing I knew, I'd slammed my hand down on the counter and used my other one to push him away.

"Out," I stated angrily. "Get the coffee and go, now."

He put his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright!" he spoke, backing away. "Jesus you're touchy."

I felt myself get angrier. "Get. Out."

The guy quickly gathered the coffee, muttering something about a 'red-headed bitch' as he left. I felt annoyed, huffing quietly as I threw my rag across the room. "I hate people," I mumbled dejectedly, pushing my hair from my face as I sighed, walking slowly over towards where my towel had landed. I wasn't a prize in a game; he didn't have that kind of right.

Besides, if my heart was a prize in a game, Max would've won it a long time ago.

Just then another customer walked in, and I pulled myself together and smiled at them. No sense in ruining someone else's day because mine had turned to shit.

I worked quietly the rest of the night, between playing piano and just doing my job; I was sleepy beyond words. I closed early and was all too eager to get on the subway and walk the few blocks back to the apartment. I took the elevator up to our floor and drug my feet through the door, knowing Max wouldn't be back for at least another hour. I rubbed my shoulders as I dropped my back by the front door, kicking out of my shoes and dropping my apron.

"Mayella!" I called. "Storm!"

I heard a soft bark, and a small scuffling noise, before the sound of heavy awkward feet came from my music room. My beautiful husky suddenly appeared, bolting just as fast as her little feet could carry her down the hall, her tongue hanging out of her mouth cutely. I giggled as I watched her tail wag crazily, her excitement clear as she ran straight into my shins, falling back on her butt.

"Oh," I laughed. "Baby, you gotta be careful," I told Ella, stooping to pet her head. Storm slowly, and much more gracefully, pranced behind her, nudging her tail lightly as if to say 'Get up, silly!' before he jumped effortlessly to my shoulders. He curled around my neck and balanced himself perfectly, mewing quietly into my ear as I scooped Mayella up in my arms.

"I missed you guys," I smiled. Mayella barked as if in reply, and Storm purred quietly, making me giggle sweetly as I made my way towards my room. I wanted a shower, after the long day I'd had.

I was eating a bowl of cereal after my shower, leaning over the island as I read a book. My head bopped lightly to the music coming from my earbuds, my bare feet stroking along both the cat and the dog's backs, humming gently as I turned the page.

I gasped when I felt arms slide around my waist. I grabbed for the counter feverishly as I struggled not to kick the animals, accidentally biting my tongue hard as I jumped out of my skin.

"Shit..." I heard him say as I pulled my earbuds from my ear. "Oh, baby I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you that bad."

I relaxed slightly as I registered the voice, the smell, the strength of the arms, calming slightly into the familiar body. "It's..." I paused. "It's okay."

Max nibbled on my ear as I reached behind me, tangling my fingers in his hair as his hand pressed into my abdomen. "Let me make it up to you, my guardian angel... Close your eyes."

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