The part where he said he was about kiss her didn't rock as much as him saying again. It hit her that she might not have remembered everything that happened at the party that took place the Friday before.

"But since I enjoy teasing you and watching you try not to fall I'm going to make this game last a little longer " he tilted her chin up and deliberately didn't fully kiss her but salaciously pecked her lips with his and headed back to the bedroom leaving Kennedy gasping for air in confusion yet beyond turned on.
Once her body got over the rush of blood in her veins she dashed out the closet where she found Aubrey seated on his bed wrapping a watch around his wrist like nothing even happened.

"I don't think I can work like this , I'm not playing any games with you so I suggest you stop playing games with me " she stood at the closet door not daring to approach Aubrey , lord knew what he would do with her when she was standing near his bed. That was too dangerous and easy. "I'm a grown ass woman so these game aren't for me " she added.

"Yet it was your grown ass that remained in the closet trying to get over how good that brush against the lips felt , because it was going to be your grown ass begging for more if I kissed you like I wanted "

"We kissed at the party so why am I not begging for more "

"Baby girl you were " he informed. "Trying to pull my belt off and everything but I stopped you because on a serious note I actually respect you " his tone changed.

"I know what happened only happened because you were drunk but just know I'd never take advantage of you like that especially since you confided in me and trusted me enough to tell me you've never been with a man before "

Kennedy didn't know why she felt like tears were about to spring out her eyes. This was a different side to Aubrey in fact it was no longer a game between them. Aubrey stood from the bed and approached Kennedy at a slow pace giving her time to back away but she didn't.

"When I want you I'll have you " he stopped to give her hair a stroke then cupped her face. " but for now I'll put the games aside since it's your wish " he kissed her forehead then gave a genuine smile before heading for the door.

"We've got time to join everyone for a bite before the game " he observed his watch.

"You told me to buy five tickets so ... "

"The fifth one is yours Keke" he pronounced her nickname like she pronounced Pepe's. This made her smile a little more toothier than others

"Come on let's hit the road " he held out his hand and she took it.

Downstairs they used a door that led to a vast garage of convertibles.

"You get behind the wheel today " Aubrey tossed keys at Kennedy for her to catch.

She looked down at the set of B.M.W keys in her hands then looked around the garage for which of four B.M's could be the one she was going to drive then pressed a button on the remote that caused the silver two seater's headlights to light up.

"I could get used to this " she smiled hopping in the driver's seat.

"You've driven one of these before right " Aubrey grinned at her excitement. 

"You should avoid underestimating me  " she started up the car as Aubrey punched in some code on his phone for the garage doors to open.

"Handle this whip like a master and it's yours "

"For real ?"

"For very real " he assured

"I'm going to look so good pulling up in this car "she secured John Lenon styled shades on her face and began reving the engines.

"Sit tight boss " Portland featuring Quavo and Travis Scott began playing as she pulled out into the drive way and hit the road with the window rolled down and wind blowing her sleek hair. Aubrey tried changing the song but Kennedy smacked away his and and sang the "hell no" part while doing so then she continued to sing along and added sauce when she got to the  Skrt Skrt

"How appropriate " Aubrey laughed and thought of how he never had this much fun and chemistry with Sasha or any other women beside his best friend Nicki and his one love Rihanna...

On the other side of town at the Blue Bird Bistro Tori was informed by one her staff members that a satisfied customer  was requesting to meet the owner of the newly opened restaurant. The waitress led Tori to the booth where the customer awaited her.

"Afternoon " Tori smiled warmly. "I'm Tori James and I own the restaurant " she extended her hand for the customer to shake.

"Hi I'm Sasha and I'm very impressed with the place you're running , and the food it's. ... it's amazing I couldn't leave without meeting you"

"Thank you very much , I worked very hard to get this place open and I appreciate the acknowledgement "

"I'm going to become a regular here "

"If that's the case next time you're here I'll make sure you have a bottle of our finest wine waiting for you on the house "

The two women exchanged warm smiles and Tori's was one of kindness and came from a genuine place but as for Sasha it was a smile of satisfaction that the first phase of her plan was already set in motion.


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