The Start

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     It was the beginning of school. Kids running around, talking, screaming. Zenny didn't want any part of this. He tried to rush through the crowd to get to his locker. As he pushed through, he bumped into someone with green hair, some kind of anime thing on his head, and wearing orange clothes. He kinda looked like a carrot. "S-sorry about that" the carrot said as he walked past zenyatta. Zenny thought he was cute and wondered if he would be in any of his classes so he could get a good look at him.
     Period 1 started and Zen looked around. No green hair, orange clothes or anything that made up the person he saw. He looked around more, then he looked next to him. There he was, right next to him! "O-oh. U-uh hi" were the only words Zen could say. "Uh, hello. Sorry for bumping into you in the hallway." Apologized the carrot. "I-it's ok. I was rushing my way through the crowd, it was my fault." Said Zen. "N-no it isn't. I bumped into myself, it was my fault"
"No it wasn't. I was rushing"
"No. It was my faul-" the carrot was cut off by some other Japanese guy that could have been his brother or not. "Could you stop arguing with a dumb robot, genji!?" He quietly yelled. Zen felt bad about him self after he said that. "He's not a dumb robot, hanzo," said genji "he's super cool!" Zen felt good after genji said that. Class ended and Zen went to his next class. Genji wasn't there, bit guess who was.. Hanzo. "Why were you talking to my brother?" Asked hanzo. "We bumped into each other in the hallway and we were apologizing to each other over and over again."
"Well don't talk to him ever again"
"Uh.. Why do you say that?"
"Because, robots aren't supposed to talk to mortals."
"But I was built to help mortals if they need medical help"
"I don't care. Don't talk to him. That's that." Hanzo looked away from Zen and was writing something in a journal.
     Lunch rolled around and Zen saw genji sitting with his brother. Genji motioned his hand as to say "sit with us, robot dude!" Zenny hesitates and then he goes over to sit with genji. "Hey, robo dude, you never told me your name.. Do you have one?" Genji asked. Hanzo looked at Zen as to say "don't speak to him." Or "shut your mouth.", but zenny didn't care. "My name is Zenyatta. What was yours again?" Asked zenny. Zen knew his name, he just wanted to hear his cute voice again. "My name is genji. You have a very cool name, zenyatta! Can I call you Zen for short?" Questioned genji. "Sure, if you want to."
"Yay! So, Zen, what is your opinion on anime and Japanese stuff?"
"Uh... I have never heard of anime and I have never seen Japanese stuff."
"You haven't?! Can you ask your robot mom or dad if you can come over to our house!?"
"... I don't have parents. I live alone."
"You live alone?! Dang.. You must be very lonely..... Hey! Maybe I can ask my mom if you can live with me and hanzo!"
"Please no." Said hanzo.
"Yes! It would be cool, bro!" Yelled genji.
"Brother, he is a robot. He can live on his own."
"No buts. Zenyatta, get out of our table and go back to your lonely one."
Zenny felt hurt as he slowly got up and walked to his table. He sees genji and hanzo argue and Zen just cries tears of metal silently. Genji sees him crying, yells at hanzo, and walks over to Zenny's table. "Hey, it's ok Zen. My brother is just very rude and salty." Genji said. Zen slowly stops crying, but genji wants him to stop crying now, so he hugs zenny. Zen stops crying and blushes instead. "U-uh... T-thanks, genji" Zen said nervously. "No problem, Zen!" Genji said as he let go of Zen and walked back to his table.
     Everyone starts leaving for the day. Buses are set up for kids to walk on and kids are trying to get out of school. Genji runs up to Zen. "Hey Zen! Wait up!" Genji yells as he pushes through the crowd. It was easy to spot Zen because people stayed 5 inches away from him. Genji goes to zen's circle and asks zen, "why do people stay away from you?". "They know I'm a dumb robot, so they stay away thinking I will kill them or something."
"Oh.. Well I think you're cool!!"
"O-oh.. Thank you."
"No problem. Say, do you want to come to my house? My mom wouldn't care!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah! Cmon, get on my bus!"
Before Zen could speak, genji grabs zen's arm and pulls him to his bus. Zenny saw that this is the same bus he goes on everyday. Genjis asks for him to sit in the back with him amd his brother, but he said he would rather be at the front of the bus. One bus ride later, and genji and zenny go off at their bus stop. They both had the same one also! "C'mon, let's go see my mom!" Said genji. He opens the door and Zen sees genji's mom. "We're home, mother," hanzo mumbled "and genji brought a friend." "A friend!? Let me see him, genji!" "Mom, this is my new friend, zenyatta." Zen steps out from behind genji and looks at his mom "n-nice to meet you, Mrs. Shimada." Zen said softly. Genji's mom is suprised and happy for genji. "Well then. You two play with the toys upstairs." "Mooooooom, they're not toys!" Genji yelled as he ran upstairs. Zen didn't want to hurt himself so he floated upstairs. Genji was amazed by zen's floating and he showed him his room that was full of anime. "Nice room you got here" Zen said. "Thanks! I collect a lot of anime things." Genji said. Genji showed Zen his room all night untill they both passed out on the floor. Mrs. Shimada let him sleep and waited until the next day.

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