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"You lying son of a bitch! You said you were a virgin when I met you! Leave me alone!" And with that she stormed inside.


"What was that all about," I ask Jaydon and he's just looking at his feet,me. "Jaydon. Answer me." I say through gritted teeth.

"He didn't tell you all the story," Ryder spoke up from my left, he hasn't spoken since we got out here but all the color is drained from his face.

"So why don't you tell me? I'm waiting." I impatiently tap my foot on the floor, I came here for a nice night not for them to tell stories.

"She kinda was my first love. I can't speak for Jaydon but she was mine. But she's nothing like you and that's what I'm trying to figure out. You respect yourself, unlike her. You're nice to everyone, she's a cold hearted bitch. You're perfect, inside and out. She was pretty hot but she was a bitch. But somehow she was my first love and now you're my last love. There's nobody out there like you Aspen." He pulls me into his chest tightly and I try to get my brain working through everything I said. I have a feeling that by the end of the night I was gonna be a bitch. Jaydon just stood there awkwardly and I thought about what Alison said.

"Wait a minute," I say and pull out of Ryder's embrace, everything clicked. "You took her virginity and lied to her!" I poke my finger in Jaydon's chest and he just rubs the back of his neck and nods.

"I didn't mean to offended her like that and she knows it but she won't listen to me," Jaydon says softly.

"Alison needs someone right now and if I go in there with Ryder and not you, she'll cry and think it was a one night thing. But I know you aren't like that." I wrapped my arms around his neck and hug him tightly.

"She was saving herself for someone special. She thought that I was the one. I betrayed her. She's gone." I hear soft sobs coming out of his lip, he's crying. For Alison.

"Hey hey. No she's not. And I know. She only dates guys that she thinks are the one. She's only dated one guy in her whole entire life, that guy is you. Now stop crying and go talk to her." I release him from my grasp and push him to the doors.

"He really does love her you know," Ryder says out of nowhere and I jump, I forgot he was here. He's keeping his distance, good. I have no reasons to be mad at him except he didn't tell me.

"And she really loves him," I say softly, she does. I see it in her eyes, she's so much happier when he's around.

"He's sorry." He reaches for my hand but I pull it away before he could.

"She'll forgive him. I know she will. She likes it when guys are demanding and if he loves her, he'll fight for her." I toss my hair over my should and shiver a little, it's getting chilly for March. Really chilly actually.

"Here. Take my jacket." He slips his black leather jacket off and hands it to me. I just nod my head and slip it on, take my hair out from it going everywhere. "Are you okay?"

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