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Oh how you loved the weekend, the 2 day freedom away from hell and a whole 2 days to relax away from campus if you so choose, Although school wasn't all that bad for you recently.

You most likely became the only girl at school to receive any attention from Ushijima since he was probably born excluding his mother. Lying in bed with the Sun's vibrant rays seeping through the cracks of your window shutters, you open them to embrace how beautiful the bright blue sky was.

Your phone starts beeping and you see it's your friend wanting to FaceTime and boy did you both have some tea to spill.

"Girl listen" your friend laughs.

"What?" You asked.

"Okay don't be mad but I heard from (random name) that (2nd random name) said that (Your enemy) was secretly getting trained by Ushijima" she (said).

"Explain" you said back.

"Basically the rumor is, ever since you've been hanging out with Ushijima people are under the assumption that y'all are...... you know......" you friend went on and on.

"Know what?" You asked.

"F-U-C-K-I-N-G" she spelled out.

"Oh my god!" You shouted.

"Crazy right!?" Your friend said back chuckling.

"Nah fam we have though" you replied.

"Lies" she said back.

"Nope, I ride him like a surf board!" you announced.

"Anyways what does that have to do with (Your Enemy) and Ushijima training together?" You asked.

"Well you know that (Your enemy) has been in love with Ushijima since junior high" your friend said.

"Sucks to suck" you laughed.

"Well just letting you know you got some competition" your friend sarcastically said.

You said your quick goodbyes and hung up the phone, to get ready for the afternoon and all it's adventures to come.


*knock* *knock*

"Whose there?" Ushijima asked lying in bed tossing his volleyball.

"Wakatoshi it's me why'd you lock the door!?" Tendou screamed while shaking the doorknob

Ushijima let out a soft puff and sigh as he got up to unlock his dorm door for his obnoxious friend.

"What is it?" Ushijima questioned.

Tendou whips out his phone and opens twitter and finds a very interesting tweet.

"(Your enemy) tweeted this early today!" Tendou said shoving his phone in Ushijiam's face.

Tweet: lmao some many sluts at this school, hmmm so funny how some bitches think it's okay to sleep with others people mans🤔 (@yourtwittername) #sorrynotsorry.

"I don't understand" Ushijima said furrowing his eyebrows.

"You dummy you've just been sub tweeted" Tendou laughed.

"But I don't see my name in that sentence" Ushijima replied.

"Well while I was on my way back to campus I stopped by the ice cream shop and there is a big rumor that you and (Your name) have been doing stuff!!!!!" Tendou said trying to hold back his laughter.

"What stuff?" Ushijima asked.

"(Your name) and Ushijima sitting in a tree F-U-C-K-I-N-G" Tendou sang trying to contain his laugher.

"What?" Ushijima said stunned and very confused.

"Is it true?" Tendou cried.

Tendou's phone suddenly starts beeping and interrupts the entire conversation and he leaves the room to take the call.

Ushijima stunned, went right back to his bed and started tossing his volleyball in the air trying to process what he had just heard.

It wasn't as though he was opposed to the idea of sex, he after all secretly had sexual and nonsexual feelings with his attractive peers, but he was always so composed you couldn't even tell.

Ushijima grabs his phone and dials your number trying to get clarity and understanding of the whole situation from your own mouth.

"(your name)" Ushijima speaks.


"I have something to ask" Ushijima continues.

"Why yes, yes ask away" you said lowering your voice

"Do you know why people are saying we have been in bed with each other" he questioned.

"Ohhh um, no idea" you laughed off while your heart was dropping remembering your convo earlier with your friend.

That dumb bitch really did tell everyone, you thought in your head

"But I have a solution" you continued on with a big smirk.

"What is it?" Ushijima asks.

"Lets fuck then those rumor would be tr-"

"I'll be going now" Ushijima says cutting you off before you could finish your sentence.

"Oh okay well by-"

"What's your address?" he asks.

"Why? Not that I'm opposed" you replied.

"So we can fuck" he replied back.

"OH SHIT!" you gasped dropping your phone to the floor.

Urges (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader) [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now