"Gino, its nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you." Kalani says in a happy voice even though she's actually being harsh. "I'm Kalani by the way."

"Yeah, good to meet you too." Gino replies biting his bottom lip.

"I'm braiding your hair because I don't know what else to do." I whisper to Mackenzie before I start putting her hair into two french braids.

"Gino since Katie and Kalani haven't met you yet why don't you tell a little about yourself." Nia tries to get people talking to stop the awkwardness.

"Okay sounds good." Gino agrees then snags himself one of the stools to sit on. "Well I'm Gino. Im from Miami Florida and I'm fifteen years old, my favorite color is green, what else?"

"Favorite food?" Kalani asks.


"Least favorite?"

"Brussel sprouts."

"Oh how generic of a terrible food!" Mackenzie shouts moving her arms around as I hold the braid tightly so it doesn't get totally destroyed.

"Oh really? So your saying you've tasted something worse than a Brussels sprout?" Gino argues.

"Jelly Belly Bean Boozled vomit and rotten egg." Mackenzie says arrogantly lifting her head up higher in the air. I once again have to keep a tight grip on the braid so I can keep it intact.

"Oh come on that's not food."

"Gino is it edible? Because the last time I checked those beans weren't made of plastic."

"Yes." Gino rolls his eyes. "They're edible."

"Then it's food." Mackenzie wins the argument.

Gino sighs, "Oh Mackenzie Ziegler. Just as stubborn as I remember."

"I am not stubborn!" Mackenzie wines just proving her stubbornness. Oh this child.

"Shut up Kenz." I laugh as I finish one of the braids.

We talk about random things for a while and Gino really does seem like he feels bad for what happened in the past. I think he just wants to move on though. To my understanding people make mistakes and this one was made a long time ago, it should be forgiven. Everyone has had time to heal and overcome those issues and I think we're all ready just to live and forgive in the present.

"Katie and Gino are you excited for your duet?" Kendall asks.

"Yeah I'm excited. I haven't danced co-ed since that ballet catastrophe. I get to wear heels!" I answer happily.

"I'm excited too, it's always great to dance with new people." Gino explains I nod my head agreeing.

"Katie and Gino you guys are up." Jojo says as she enters with Brynn and immediately heads toward her water bottle. I raise a thumbs up in the air and start heading down the hallway with Gino following.

"Hello!" Abby smiles as we walk in. "Ready to work?"

"Born ready." I reply tightening my pony tail.

ALDC Transformed 2 // Dance Moms FanficWhere stories live. Discover now