"I love you too Ryan so yes I will marry you." Ryan kisses me. Ryan puts a big diamond engagement ring on my ring finger. I'm so happy that my dad and Gia are in the states with my siblings too. "Okay so I have all the designs done and everything for Riley's cafe."

"That's good."

"Yeah I'm so happy my cafe is opening soon."

"I'm happy too." We go to Dylan's not house but mansion for dinner everyone is going to be there even my dad, Gia, Luca and Ally. Once we walk in every one notices the ring.

"Finally you said yes after him asking you to marry him for months."

"Yeah." We have dinner and it's super fun. "So dad, Gia, Ally, Luca I would love if we could do lunch together tomorrow."

"Of course wouldn't miss it."

"Free food I'm in."

"Good tomorrow at noon."  We leave.

"Riley are you going to take that pregnancy test now?"

"Ryan I'm scared I don't want to lose our baby again like last time."

"Babe it will be fine."

"Okay I will take the pregnancy test." I take the test and its positive.

"We are going to the doctors I want to make it official." We get Malik in the car and go to the doctors. We head to a doctors office.

"So you think your pregnant, have you done a pregnancy test yet?"

"Yeah it was positive." The doctor does an ultrasound. The doctor points to the screen.

"Right there is your baby and it looks like there is two babies you have twins and you look to be two maybe three days away from being three months pregnant."

"Thank you." We leave.

"We need to text our parents and tell them to meet us for breakfast." Ryan texts his parents and I text mine. I also text Luca and Ally if they will watch Malik for Ryan and I and they said yes.

"I will make a reservation at a breakfast place." Ryan makes a reservation for eight because all our parents are going to be there. We tell our parents what time and where to go.

"Malik ready to be a big brother?"


"Are you ready to have two little siblings?"

"Yeah I want two brothers! Wait I want a sister!"

"Well let's hope it's a boy and a girl." We get home and put Malik to bed and we go to bed.

The next morning.

Luca and Ally come over and we leave. We get to the restaurant and get seated. All our parents start showing up. We order our food.

"We have something to tell you guys."


"I'm pregnant with twins."

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