{Chapter 01} Ethan 'Gold' Hibiki

Start from the beginning

Black and White smiled innocently at the new waitress. Eating their food as they did their work together. Something about them was really disturbing the others. It was either their overly innocent persona or the mysterious dark aura they had around them.

The rush hour ended at fourteen hundred hours, all of them were tired and the twins were still there sitting on table fifteen doing homework.

"I'm beat," Felicity muttered as she slumped on the chair behind the cashier counter.

"That's because you're not used to walking around," Jamie told, sweeping the floor.

"Less talking more working," Gold warned once he cleaned up all the tables.

The other three employees sighed loudly and replied 'Yes'.

The golden eyed teen walked pass table fifteen and glanced at Black's homework. Both of them were in different schools now but the syllabus as a whole were still the same.

"Black cosine multiplied by tangent is equal to sine try changing that first then you differentiate sine into positive cosine," Gold casually told as he made way towards the kitchen. "And White! Stop making cosecant one over sine, you're just going back to the original equation!"

Black and White slammed his head on the table together, muttering curses to those who invented trigonometry.

"Boss seems really intelligent eh?" Tia asked her two other co-workers.

"He's homeschooled, his private tutor was skilled at his job so it made sense," Felicity told as she organised the money in the cash register. "Plus he's still sixteen, he should take his education seriously."

"Does it matter? It's not like he's going to impress anyone with it? I mean, the kid has no friends at his age whatsoever. The closest thing he has are those two over there," Jamie told, gesturing at the twins.

"What's the relationship between boss and those two anyway? Like what did he owe them to be that close?" Tia questioned.

"Everything," Gold answered, appearing behind them.

The three employees bolted upright, fearing that they would get scolded again.

Gold took off his black apron and hung it on a hook on the wall.

"I'm covering someone's shift in the grocery store next door, take care of the restaurant while I am gone for three hours," Gold instructed as he went out of the front door.

"Hey, Gold-san! Wait up!" Black and White wasn't that far behind him, chasing him, homework in hands.

Tia raised a brow, obviously confused. Jamie and Felicity couldn't blame her since it was her first week working there.

"Boss' family owns the flower shop and the grocery store next door," Jamie said. "In other words, they're managing three stores in this neighborhood."

Felicity shook her head. "That's one reason he was homeschooled, staff are always cut short so he's running around managing them."

"Mrs.Hibiki helped sometimes too but she only manages to do handle the flower shop. His dad works like non-stop and things got harder for him when his older sister went to study abroad so there was one less person to manage the stores."

"Sounds like hell, we know," Jamie said once Tia pulled a shocked face. "But that's just how it is."


"Gold! Help me with my Chemistry!" Black wailed, taking out a thick textbook on the table near the cashier counter.

"No fair Black! I was about to ask him to help me with Physics!" White began to argue.

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