Future Bright

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It was like he could feel the ticking of the clock. Every second was one less in which to live alongside those he loved. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months. Those months were fickle, passing in some ways faster than the weeks. It surprised Alec when he realized it had been over a year since he'd stepped down as king.

In that time not too much had happened.

Alec and Magnus lived in a slightly smaller room now than when they'd been living in the King's keep, but Alec wasn't complaining. The space was still more than adequate and it wasn't like he and Magnus had to share it without anyone else. Max has had been given his own room long ago and seemed to need less and less parenting everyday. He spent most of his time with his teachers which Alec supposed was a good thing. Of course, Magnus had been right; Sarah was lovely and their Blueberry was happy. Though he didn't like it when his parents used what he referred to as his 'baby' name when his girlfriend was around, which Alec found quite adorable even if he missed calling Max their blueberry. Victor was shaping up to be a very wise leader and Alec had no regrets stepping down as king. However, he was starting to regret agreeing to help Ragnor out with the gardening. Why the ancient warlock wanted to dig around in the dirt Alec had no idea, but he always enjoyed the other man's company. Ragnor was a very interesting man to speak with.

"My back is not enjoying all this bending and lifting," Alec complained, standing up to stretch his sore muscles. "I'm not quite as nimble as I once was. All that sitting behind a desk instead of being out in the field has done me in." He laughed, stretching his arms over his head.

"It's strange to me," Ragnor mused, without looking up from the dirt. "How mortals can change."

"I haven't changed that much," Alec argued, his arms crossing over his chest. "I'm only 35." Ragnor was clearly surprised by his tone.

"Didn't mean to offend," Ragnor smiled at him. "I have no concept of how these things work. To me any physical change seems unnatural. I don't remember my childhood anymore."

"It's fine," Alec sighed, as he leaned down to get back to work. "I just wish all this change would stop." He laugh slightly at himself.

"Didn't Magnus tell you?" Ragnor asked puzzled. "I mean he's been nagging me for help ever since you stepped down as king. It's been rather annoying actually, wanting to portal here and portal there. Always unhappy with the results even when we figured it out. So ungrateful for all my help." Ragnor sighed. "Just because we weren't able to find a way for him to age doesn't mean we failed. Silly warlock. I tried to suggest he kill himself when you die," Ragnor laughed, lightly. "Just to annoy him, but Magnus didn't seem to think it was so funny. And I suppose it wasn't funny, pretty stupid actually, but why does that idiot have to be so serious all the time. I blame love. Before you he was so much more fun."

"Whoa, slow down," Alec said turning away from his task to face his friend. Alec had long considered Ragnor his good friend and knew the warlock to easily lost track of his thoughts.

"Magnus used to throw quite impressive parties, you know," Ragnor explained. "At least once a decade, any sooner and I wouldn't be up for the next one. The pixies in particular liked to play in the chandelier. I think I once woke up with them in my ears, though that might have been a dream... or a story."

"What were you and Magnus searching for?" Alec asked simply, trying to bring Ragnor's focus back.

"First Magnus wanted to age," Ragnor explained. "Then when we gave up on that search he wanted to look for a way for you not to age which was at least a little easier than an aging warlock. That, I had to confess, was one of the strangest idea my friend has ever had in all four centuries that I've known him. Including the time he decided to fly on a magic carpet. Again, I blame you, Alexander."

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