Compromise Offered

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Magnus had stopped keeping track of time as hours became days. Max's sleeping schedule was so erratic that it hardly seemed to matter what time of day it was anyhow. Magnus tried to think of Max and only Max so the hole in his heart where Alexander had been was easier to bare. Magnus's life had somehow become that of a need filler. His waking hours were donated to feeding, clothing, changing and comforting the small blue infant in his arms.

"One day I shall teach you all kinds of magic tricks," Mangus told the baby. "We shall be quite the team you and I." Max giggled reaching up at Magnus with his little fingers. "But no matter how much time passes, in a hundred or two hundred years I will always be able to say I once changed your bottom." He chuckled, magically wrapping the baby back into a clean cloth.

"Oh, don't you give me that look," Magnus said as he scooped Max into his arms. "It's the truth."

Catarina popped by a few times a week to make sure all was well. He'd already told her to stop looking for another foster parent for Max and just as he'd known she would Caterina had been thrilled.

"I am so glad," Caterina had said. "This little baby couldn't have a better home."

"Max," Magnus corrected her as he placed his sleeping son in the crib.

"So you are keeping the name?" Catarina inquired.

"Of course," Magnus said, as if she were speaking nonsense. "It's a great name."

"Yes, but that is not why you've decided to keep it," Catarina replied knowingly. "Are you going to admit it now?"

"Admit what?" Magnus asked. "That I love Alexander? That he awoke something in me I thought long dead? That when I'm with him, or even think of him, the world finally makes sense? That every horror and pain in my life is eased by his presence? That even if I never see him again I will be counting the days until his mortal heart stops beating? Is that what you'd like me to admit?"

"Oh, Magnus," Catarina sighed, pulling him in and letting Magnus cry on her shoulder. "I had no idea."

"Neither did I," Magnus choked, feels as if he could cry and like the amazing friend she was, Catarina let Magnus sob in her arms until he couldn't cry anymore. Then she spent the day with him, saying it was to keep an eye on Max, but Magnus knew better.

He was glad when she already refused to leave the next day. Never before had Magnus needed company so badly. Catarina did have to leave eventually, but she said she'd come by again soon.

The day Tessa dropped by Magnus braced himself for another tiff but either she could sense the change in him or Catarina had said something because Tessa appeared in a great mood, and was eager to see the baby.

"He's so adorable," Tessa smiled picking up the baby and touching his nose with hers. "I remember when Will's kids were little. I used to play with them. They called me Auntie Tess."

"Well, consider yourself Auntie Tess once again," Magnus said. "I shall need babysitters."

"Count me in," Tessa said, throwing a giggling Max up in the air, before catching him.

Magnus tried not to think about how he'd talk about Alec in fifty years time. He tried not to see Tessa as his future, while he spent the day with her and Max. This was impossible, however, because Tessa was his future. The heartbreak in her eyes, his destiny. Magnus knew Tessa often helped the nephilim, especially those of Will's line. If she heard about a fight she'd appear and help without being seen. Magnus wondered if he, too, would one day do that. Keeping watch over Alexander's children and grandchildren, trying to keep them safe.

"You really loved him, didn't you?" Tessa said softly. Magnus didn't speak, but his silence seemed to be all the answer she required. "I am sorry I thought you were using him. It's just that you care so little for the nephilim, Magnus, you always have."

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