Present Moment

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By the time the sun set on what Alec had thought would be the last day of his life, his future had never looked brighter.

"I would very much like for you to stay," Alec told Tessa and Catarina as the craziest day of his life drew to a close. "Ragnor as well, though I won't be able to formally invite him until he wakes up. I want warlocks to be among those who call this place home."

"The Palace was the first home I ever knew," Tessa smiled at him. "I would happily call it so again."

"Can I set up a healing station?" Catarina asked. "And spread the word that people could come if they need me?"

"That is a brilliant idea," Alec beamed. "How much space would you like?" For a while they talked out the details before they agreed on the best place. Then Alec gave her free reign to build her healing center, since she was more than capable and he really didn't have the time or energy to supervise her. Tessa expressed an interest in childcare and talked about starting a daycare or some kind of school.

"Maybe I can rope Ragnor into helping me," Tessa mused.

"Just let me know," Alec told her. "I am sure we can work something out. If you'll excuse me." Politely removing himself from the situation Alec moved down the hall. He'd caught a glimpse of the one person he wanted to talk to. In all the chaos of getting people back today Alec hadn't really had a moment alone with Magnus.

The day had been quite a productive one though. The mundane servants had all been offered their jobs back, though some still hadn't physically returned to the Palace. Many teams had already returned with those who had escaped the barely averted disaster. Jonathan and Rose were back along with Amatis and the rest of her recruits. Elizabeth and Josey were yet to be found, though Alec wasn't worried. They'd likely gone into hiding faster and didn't know that it was safe to return. He had faith they'd be back soon. The Palace was once again alive with people, it's lights flicked with a temporary energy, its portal room used for nothing, but storage.

"Magnus!" Alec called when he caught sight of the warlock. Max was holding tight to one of his papa's hands, still looking wide eyed around at everything.

"Alec," Magnus smiled as he turned to face Alec. "This is amazing. Everything you've done here... it takes my breath away. You are truly the most caring person I know. To bring the world together like this... I-" Magnus seemed at a loss for words which made Alec smile. He leaned in and kissed Magnus sweetly, holding his lover's face in his hands as he did so.

"Actually, I'm selfish," Alec stated when their kiss ended. It couldn't get too heated with Max beside them and Alec had things he needed to say. "So very selfish. Tessa and Catarina are moving in. I will try and convince Ragnor to stay as well." Magnus didn't say anything so Alec continued. "I want nephilim and warlocks to be allies, along with the mundanes. I want the world to be as it was before, but I can't claim I want any of these things for the benefit of this country or my people. I think you have suspected though I have never told you in so many words; I want this for you, for us. To be with you I have done all of this, created a world in which we can be together." Alec could see tears running down Magnus's cheeks, but he didn't stop. "I trust that this time when I asked you to live with me, I will not be disappointed."

Sobbing in earnest Magnus flung his arms around Alec, holding him tight and whispering in his ear. "Indeed you won't." Alec held his lover close, sparing one arm to hold Max who had joined in the hug.

"Besides," Magnus laughed as they broke apart. "I turned my house to ash anyway."

"You did what?" Alec laughed with him. It was impossible to be sad in this moment, even about this.

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