Mystery Solved

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"Fine," Alec snapped, tears running down his face as he pulled away sharply. "You stay here then. Be sad and lonely. See if I care!" But he was lying, lying more than he'd ever lied in his life. He loved Magnus.

Alec had managed the impossible, finding a way to have a warlock in the Palace, and yet he still couldn't be with Magnus. It wasn't fair but there was nothing else to do, no hope to be had. Despite finding love - which in itself felt like a miracle - and despite finding a way to be closer to the person he loved, Alec was still trapped in the same life, as if nothing had changed. He was back at square one, the only difference being that his heart was broken.

Alec made the trip home slowly, trying to put off the inevitable. He thought of just giving up, saying goodbye to all common sense and turning around to run into Magnus's arms and never let go. Surely Magnus could portal them somewhere remote so no one could ever find them. The world didn't need another king right? In this moment Alec wanted tell the fools to figure it out themselves and run off into the sunset with his love.

Of course Alec didn't turn around, his sense of honour and duty forbade him. It was the dilemma Alec had been faced with all his life: what he wanted versus what others required of him. If Alec didn't have a deep seeded need to be what others required him to be, maybe Alec could have done the selfish thing and chosen to put his happiness before his people.

As this was not the case Alec arrived back at the Palace alone. The relief on his parents faces when they saw him return alone, Alec had expected; the fact that they'd given him this chance in the first place he hadn't. He would always be grateful they'd believed him and supported him even if Magnus had rejected the plan. The members of the council were happy with this outcome and though the grin on Valentine's face annoyed Alec, everyone else's expression just made him miserable.

As Alec's betrothed, Elizabeth came to live in the Palace. Their political alliance would secure ties with the northern province and finally settle the unrest with their neighbours. Alec would have prefered to make a trade agreement or find a marriage-free diplomatic way to solve the problem, but it wasn't up to him.

Elizabeth's mundane lover arrived; he watched them running into each other's arms with such joy on their faces and Alec felt his heart ache. He missed Magnus all the time, but seeing two people so happy just from the presence of the other made Alec miss Magnus more. Alec could remember only too well the feeling of security and love in their eyes. He ensured Elizabeth got to share a room with her love before their wedding. They deserved at least a moment's happiness.

Clary and Jace's wedding was approaching, the whole kingdom a buzz with the news. They were the most nauseatingly sweet couple the castle has ever seen and the people were thrilled by their coming nuptials.

The Palace doors burst open with a crash and all the dancing couples jumped. They were in the middle of a wedding rehearsal as everyone turned to see Valentine standing in the doorway with a small quivering man at his feet.

"I found the spy!" Valentine boomed.

"Valentine," the Queen groaned as she hurried over. "Must you bring him here now. Please go around the dungeons."

"Very well," Valentine said smugly, with a slight bow to the Queen as he turned and exited the way he'd come.

"Wow, does that man like to make an entrance," Elizabeth chuckled. She was Alec's dance partner and thus suffering greatly at this lack of dancing skills.

"That he does," Alec laughed. "He's a skilled fighter though and it seems actually able to catch a spy. Who knew." Was it strange how little he cared about this when that spy's misinformation had almost gotten him killed?

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