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After Alexander's departure the second time, Magnus wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. He felt strangely bound to the house as if he was worried leaving might mean he'd missed Alec making a re-appearance. He had been genuinely surprised when Alec had come back the first time, but for some reason he was sure Alec would return again this time. There had been something these in Alec's eyes that gave the warlock faith. Even when weeks went by with no sign of Alec, Magnus didn't doubt the boy's intentions.

How had so many things suddenly become about time? Time spent waiting for Alec's return. Time spent with Alec. Time. Time. Time. Magnus was immortal, so why was he suddenly wishing for time? Just mere hours with Alexander had felt so big and meaningful, if only they had more time. Then Magnus had an idea. He still hadn't collected payment for healing Alec and now he knew exactly what he wanted.

The King and Queen weren't too thrilled, but that played perfectly into Magnus's hands as they seemed to think he wanted Alec for political reasons. They could go ahead and think that all they wanted as far as Magnus was concerned. He and Alec knew the truth, though Magnus thought Alec had been very convincing when he'd talked his parents into the idea.

Alec returned with a packed truck a few moments later, and Magnus opened a portal, extending his arm dramatically.

"After you," Magnus smiled. The King and Queen looked livid.

"I'll see you in a week," Alec told his parents. "Don't fret. I promise everything's fine."

"I think you thanking him went straight to his head," Robert grumbled, but he allowed Alec to hug him.

"Take care," Maryse said as she too hugged her son. "Be safe."

"Don't forget, if he wanted me dead I'd be dead," Alec laughed. His parents mumbled something that sounded to Magnus like they disagreed with Alec's statement.

But then Alexander turned away from them and towards Magnus, his piercing blue eyes glowing with happiness. Magnus almost reached out to take Alec's hand as they went through the portal, but caught himself just in time.

Emerging on the other side, Magnus wasted no time, but pulled Alec into his arms, kissing the shadowhunter desperately. Alec's trunk thudded to the ground as Magnus felt Alec's arms around him. How had these last weeks seemed to take so long? Months, years even, used to go by in the flash. Magnus would blink and decades passed so why had he been unable to wait another second to hold Alec in his arms?

When they broke apart Alec turned his head from side to side taking in their surroundings. They were back at Magnus's house, just a few meters from the front door.

"That was a brilliant!" Alec exclaimed.

"It was your idea actually," Magnus corrected him. "You said you wanted more time."

"Yes, but you found a way to do it!"

"I did indeed," Magnus chuckled, smiling at the joy on Alexander's face. Taking Alec's hand, Magnus walked toward his front door. With a flick of his wrist Magnus had Alec's truck float alongside them.

"Why couldn't you get through the Palace shield?" Alec asked as they approached the door.

"The same reason I couldn't magically pack for you," Magnus replied easily. "The warlock who created it must have been older than me. I didn't have the power to break it."

"Does that mean a warlock's power gets stronger with time?" Alec asked.

"Basically, yes," Magnus replied. "Though also with training. A younger warlock with more training could be stronger than an older one with none. Though most old warlocks didn't get old by being stupid enough not to train."

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