Youthful Grief

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Magnus had no idea where Ragnor had run off too or what the hell he'd been talking about before he'd left. He knew Tessa was outside with his son. Catarina was still there with him, speaking words of comfort that did nothing to soothe him. No words could replace Alexander.

Magnus felt like once his lover was gone the world would feel different. Once Alec's heart stopped beating, life on this planet would be so altered as to be unrecognizable. Magnus was waiting to feel the impact of Alec's death. He knew it was irrational. Magnus knew that he wasn't magically connect to Alec and the king's passing could occur without his knowledge. Still, Magnus was on edge, tense waiting for the penny to drop. Waiting to feel his heart shatter.

Catarina handed him a cup of tea and Magnus took it numbly, drinking without thinking. He needed to tell Max what had happened or at least that daddy wasn't coming home again for a long time. Maybe Max could be spared the sharpness of it all. If he slowly forgot Alec... surely that would be the kinder way.

Lifting himself off the floor, Magnus set his tea down and slowly walked out into the garden. He stood in the doorway watching Tessa playing with the little blue warlock Magnus had come to love as his own child. He couldn't tell exactly what they were doing, but Max was smiling and that's all Magnus cared about. He didn't want to be the reason why his son's smile faded.

"And one day I'm going to see the Palace!" Max cried as he spun round holding Tessa's hand. "Daddy said he'd take me." Tessa didn't reply, but Max wasn't deterred. "Papa says you used to live in the Palace. I bet it's super pretty."

"It is quite beautiful indeed," Tessa smiled, but it was a sad smile. With a deep breath Magnus moved forward.

"Thanks, Tessa," Magnus said. "I've got it from here." Tessa took a step back and she and Catarina disappeared into the house.

Magnus took his son's small blue hands in his own and looked straight into the young warlock's eyes. "Max," Magnus began. "Something's happened. Daddy won't be able to visit anymore."

"For how long?" Max asked.

"A very long time," Magnus replied, gently.

"Why?" Max asked. It took everything Magnus had not to cry. He pulled his son close and hugged Max instead.

"He just won't, Max," Magnus mumbled into their hug.

"Why?" Max asked again, but Magnus didn't reply. Max was so young. Life would be kind to him. Max could forget, and Magnus wouldn't take that away from him.

"So we shall have to do something else while daddy is busy," Magnus explained, as he pulled out of the hug, but keeping a hand on each of the young warlock's shoulders. "How about we go on a trip?"

And just like that Max was happily talking about the places he wanted to visit. Magnus would go anywhere Max wanted. He just couldn't stay here. No only would it be infinitely more dangerous than ever before to be a warlock once Valentine was king, but every part of his house reminded Magnus of his Alexander. He would not be returning here.

"You told me about the trees, papa," Max was babbling. "We could go see those, but will uncle Ragnor still teach me if we move?"

"Honestly, I have no idea," Magnus replied, trying to put a smile on for his son. "Uncle Ragnor can be rather unpredictable at times. But Auntie Cat will still come around to teach you healing magic."

"She's so good at fixing people and she's the nicest," Max enthused. "Will daddy be here when we get back from vacation?" It took everything Magnus had not to cry as he replied that daddy would still be busy.

As they entered the house Magnus held up his hands and began to throw blue sparks around the room. Everything around them moved as if directed by the conductor of an orchestra. Books and clothes flew across the room and packed themselves into boxes. The decorations on the walls crumbled into ashes, along with the roof above their heads. One of the benefits of magic is that you can relocate every quickly.

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