"J-Jungkook..... that bastard..... Just wait I will give him a lesson"

"Jungkook? Oh I see... you can home tonight because the poison was already cleaned by Doctor" Jin said and leave the room.

Jin was take out his phone and text a message.

To: Jungkook

I will not let this happening again. Even I have to against my own best friend.

Jin was really angry to Jungkook. He don't know why he is really worried to Vilia. He just think that Vilia doesn't deserve this all. Just it. He really doesn't have a feeling towards her, he still love Stephanie, even ............ She's cheated behind him.

Jin was take Vilia home, and make sure she is safe at her home.

"Thanks.........oh wait Jin....."

Jin about to leave but Vilia stop him.

"Can I asked you something?"

"Go ahead"

"Until when you let this happen..... about Your girlfriend and your brother?"

Jin face changed and he just give a smile to her.

"Don't worry about that, I'll leave. See yaa...."


Tomorrow morning at school, Jin was drag Jungkook to the toilet. He grab Jungkook's collar.

"You know, you can kill her!" Jin shout.

"She's deserve it" Jungkook said.

"Why you hate her so much? She's nothing did wrong!!"

"Yes she is...... the moment she is entering this school, she have the fault."

"Is it because it remind you of your past?"

Jungkook was shock when Jin talk about his past.

"I know you jealous of her" Jin said.

"Why you so easily care to her? When my first day at this school,  I have to sacrificed and got so many punch everyday to be your friend, but she.........."

Jin was silent. Jungkook continue his sentence.

"It was unfair for me, you don't know how hardly I want to be your friend that time. I don't have anyone in this school of hell at first. I just think that this the only chance when I have to get bullied, so I can be friend with you. But she was easily get your attention, even getting you fall for her. You know how unfair to me it is?" Jungkook said while tears fall from his eyes.


"I know you never claim me as your best friend"

"That's not it Jungkook.... I....."

"Stop lying, I can't stand it anymore." Jungkook leave Jin in the toilet.

Jin felt guilty for what happen to Jungkook. He didn't mean that. Jin going to the rooftop to clear his mind. Suddenly Vilia appear beside him.

"What are you doing?" Vilia said.

"Leave, I don't want any argue again for today"

"I don't want argue with you.... I just..... Thanks.. for everything. I know you are a kind person."

"No.... I'm bad person, I was a bad friend" Jin said and rubbed his hair.

"Is any problem with your friend? Don't say, that you fight with that bastard Jungkook? You don't hav......"

"It's not because of you. I hurted him first. I never think that I was terrible person. I hurted so many people, maybe that's why......... I get the consequence in the end"


"I think I deserve this punishment. I can't blame my girlfriend or my own brother"

"Why don't you tell them? Are you still love her after what she done to you?"

"She's more of girlfriend to me... she's a friend and family to me. I can let her happy with my brother, but.........."

"You still love her"

"I just realize that love can make people blind. That's why it called love blind." Jin smile.

"How long you will let this going on? I mean, you have to take decision. Hmm... sorry, I don't mean to get involve, but it can hurt more deep for all side if this keep going"

"I still wait...... wait for them to tell me first. I will not angry to them, but I just want their honestly to me. I love my brother so much, and I want him to be happy even I have to get hurt. But I want him to be honest to me. So that I can let them happy without hiding behind me."


Vilia knew that all of this, Jin was the one who get hurted so badly. He get the most pain, because he love both of them.


Jin was home late in the evening. Stephanie was worried that he didn't tell or call her all day.

"Jin, where have you been?" Stephanie yelled at him.

"Just walk around the city." Jin reply with no emotion.

"Did you with her, right?"

"What? Now you suspect me?" Jin said with frowned.

"Do you really fall for that poor girl?"

"She have a name"

"And now you act like her boyfriend..." Stephanie was giggling.

"I'm tired, I don't want a fight." Jin said and going to leave, but Stephanie stop him.

"Why you so care about her? Why you so protective to her? What she is mean to you?" Stephanie shout.

"Stop this ridiculous thing Steph, what is matter to be kind? Are you want me to be the old Jin that have a cruel act? Is that what you want?"

"I don't said about kind thing that you did. I was happy that you change to be kind person, but I ask you about your feel to her. It's really show that you like her."

"She is not more than a friend."

"You said that to me before you realize that you like me. I have to make sure that you will not fall for her like you fall for me without your realize."

Stephanie leave Jin at house. She is running to the street with phone in his ear.

"Yin......." Stephanie said while crying.

"Steph, what's wrong? Why you crying? Where are you?"

"I don't know...... I need you, please come to me ...." Stephanie said.


Jin was left dumbfounded in the living room. Tears was falling in his eyes. He doesn't believe that Stephanie will leave like that.

He is going to upstairs, before he can step his feet on the first step at stairs, suddenly he feel pain in his heart. It's more than like his asthma.

He grab his heart so tight, like he can't breath and suffocating for air. His other hand was grab the stairs to keep him stand.

"Ahhh!!" Jin can't stand anymore. The pain was worse and suddenly he have a big cough. He covered his mouth with his hand while coughing. Without realizing, the blood was come out from his mouth.

He fall on the floor and lost his conscious. The maid that heard Jin's groan was running to him. She was shock to see her master lying on the floor with blood in his mouth and his hand. She immediately call ambulance and call his friends.

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