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I cried out as Jaime punched me. I begged for the pain to stop.

"A-Alex." I choked out.

"Crying for your little boyfriend huh Jacky." Jaime said between punches.

I doubled over I pain as I cursed under my breath.

"Nothing to say to that huh Jack." 

"Please Alex help!" I screamed.

But it was no use because Jaime covered my mouth when I screamed as tears streamed down my cheeks.
Before I could fight back Jaime slammed me into the wall and everything went black.


I didn't know how long I had been unconscious.When I woke up someone was holding my hand tightly as they were asleep in a chair by my side. I quickly noticed it was Alex by my side.
I looked around at the small white room I was in. I winced as I tried to sit up a little. Alex quickly woke up with a gasp.

"Your awake." He smiled.

"What happened Alex?" I asked.

"You don't remember?"

"Um no." I said.

"Jaime... He beat you up. But its okay now he got in a lot of trouble so your safe now."

"Oh." I sighed.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to make sure he wouldn't hurt you. I promised you so long ago that no one would ever hurt you. I let you get hurt again... Ugh I'm such a fuck up" He muttered.

"Lex its okay."

"Its not Jack. It'll never be okay. I never should have left you. I'm sorry."

"How long was I out?" I asked.
"A few hours it's like 2:00 am now."

"Oh okay."

"Where exactly are we?" I asked carefully.

"The North Wing of the hospital."

"Oh okay. "

"No problem. I should probably go back to our room."

"Yeah ..." I wanted him to stay so badly but it isn't allowed. He gave my hand a small squeeze and the he let go.I watched him leave my room.

I finally had time to think about all of this. I was hurt that he left me so long ago , but I also feel bad about no answering his calls or letters.  That's when I remembered his file. I pulled out the piece of paper from my hoodie pocket.

Alexander William Gaskarth.

Age. 17

Reason admitted.
He attacked his neglectful mother.
Self harmed.
Two former suicide attempts.

Note from mother:
He's a harm to himself and myself I don't want him near me anymore.

Blood test determined he was being poisoned. Alex claims his mother had been poisoning him and his brother that had committed suicide. He also claims his mother had been selling the medication she got for the boys after she would take them to the doctor.

By the time I was finished reading I was in tears . I had no idea this was happening. I did know about the self harm and anxiety but I had no idea what his mom was doing. Now that I think about it I don't really remember him talking about his mom much. I tucked the paper back in my pocket as I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.


 "You're such a fuck up." My step father hissed as he punched and kicked me. I sunk to the floor is tears. But I was soon grabbed by the waist my my step father. He peeled my bloody shirt and pants off. Tears streamed down my face as he stripped off his own clothes off as well. I shook my head frantically streaming for him to stop. This wasn't the first time he had done this so I knew he'd beat me if I tried to fight him. A sharp pain ran up my spine as he slammed into me. I sobbed silently it felt like he used me for hours and hours. After he finished I was tossed to the ground.

NightmaresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora