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I wiped my eyes as Jaime stood up and left the closet. Not that it mattered because I broke down in tears as soon as he left.

I ran down the hall towards the bathroom so I could try and hide my puffy eyes. When I got to the bathroom I wiped my face as I stared at my reflection.I closed my eyes for a few seconds while I thought.

I wonder how bad my stomach looks?

I opened my eyes and looked at my cheek. It was a little red where Jaime had slapped me but other than that it was fine. I held onto the hem of my shirt and pulled it up. I gasped as I looked at the already forming black and blue marks on my stomach. I pulled my shirt back down and quickly walked out of the bathroom. I started down the hall to the cafeteria... again. I probably won't eat so I don't see I point in going but I also don't want to be watched by the nurses constantly. So I went anyway no matter how much pain I was in. When I walked into the cafeteria almost everyones gaze was on me.

"What the hell.." I mumbled.

A few people were giggling some were even mumbling hateful things under there breath.

"FAG" Oliver shouted.

"Fucking kill yourself Faggot" Jaime shouted.

I stood there stunned. As I was standing there one of the nurses took Jaime and Oliver out of the cafeteria.

The whole time I was supposed to be eating I just zoned out and didn't say a word. Kellin and Tony tried to talk to me and tell me it would all be okay. Surely by now you would think they would have realized that everything isn't okay. A nurse tapped my shoulder and asked if I was alright I mumbled a yes. You would think they would be able to see through the lies but they were so blind to what its actually like here.


After the nurse left I told Tony and Kellin I was gonna go to sleep and then I left the cafeteria. I didn't plan on sleeping tonight, so I just kept walking till I got to a door that led to my little hiding space the instrument closet. I picked up a guitar and starting playing Stay together for the kids by blink-182. This was my escape from this place. The one thing no one could take from me.

I put the guitar down before I stood up to leave my little piece of heaven. I looked down the hall to make sure I wouldn't get caught and then I walked down the long hall so I could go back to my room. I made a small groan of pain as a walked and held my stomach. I quickly shook it off and kept walking though. Since I didn't want Alex to question where I was this whole time. I'll probably just say I was in the rec room. I doubt he cares where I was anyway.

When I finally got back to my room I opened the door and went inside.Thankfully Alex didn't notice my existence. I sighed in relief. And went over to my dresser and grabbed a hoodie and some shorts. I felt his eyes on me as I was digging around in my dresser.

"What are you staring at?" I asked.

"I'm not staring" he said with a roll of his eyes.

"Whatever." I huffed and went into the bathroom to change.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked.

"None of your business." He mumbled as he stared up at the ceiling.

I sighed and grabbed my book and ignored him.

After about an hour of silence I closed my eyes dreading the nigntmares that I knew would come as soon as sleep over took my thoughts.


I smiled as I stood atop the same bridge from so long ago.I looked at the sparkling water as I stood captivated by it. A few tears fell from my tired eyes. I wanted this for so long and now I can finally get away from him. I took that step... the last step. I didn't scream, I didn't cry. For the first time in a long time I felt free. I'm finally free...

~End of dream~

I woke up with a yawn and rubbed my eyes. I looked up to the clock on the wall and read the time. 4:45 am. I sighed as I rolled back over and fell into a surprising dreamless sleep...


please vote, comment and all that jazz your love gives me motivation.
Ps.shout out to my wonderful best friend for helping me with writing this.
Shout-out to my other best friends for giving me tons of support.
follow them:
Thank you for reading my beautiful turtles 🐢
Ps. I know this chapter is kinda short its only 830 words and normally chapters are 1000 sorry

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