{Another Timeskip}

Ok the mission is to find a place full of books and steal or 'borrow' one that will hopefully be about these stupid keys. None of the tunnel Snakes know what I look like and they don't know that i'm in the same group as Cory and Nick. Well unless Mango told them what I looked like. Then I would be Screwed.

This is where my Bounty Hunting Skills come in. I know how to keep it on the down low if you know what I mean. I put on my tan coat thingy and pulled up the collar up. Making me look like a greaser. Either way, I try my best to not look like a thief or something. I look around and scanned the area. Cory and Adam are going to be gone for a while. Maybe I can do a quick job for someone. First I need to find a library. I see a place with a few books in the window. I smile, maybe this could be my chance to find out some info about these keys there.

I walk there but something catches my eye. There was a few posters for some Bounty Hunters. This is getting better by the minute. I head back to the shop I talked about earlier. I open the door and see a person putting stuff on the shelves. They smile and I smile back. I notice what they were putting on the shelf. Books. Bingo. I look at the area full of books.

Shit I don't have any Bottle caps. I hit my face and grown. That person was a nice old man that probably was in his late 80's. I did not want to steal from an Old Man. Ugh, just my luck. I look at some of the books to try and find one about the keys.

I look to the old man sweeping the floor. I walked about to him. "Um excuse me sir? I was wondering about the books?" He looks to me and flashes a warm smile. "Yes? What about the books dear?" He says quietly.

"Um Do you have one about some magical Keys or something about that? I actually have these keys that all look the small but I found them in different Locations." I explained. He thinks for a minute then puts they broom down and goes to the front desk. He goes behind it and grabs something. "You mean a key like this?" He held up at pale pink ribbon with a key hanging from it.

I gasped, "Y-yeah, that's one of the keys." He puts that warm smile on again and continues to talk. "A young man came in here saying that he need to give this to a young woman that will come in and asks about some keys. He also gave me a book about these keys." He said sweetly pointing to a book on the shelf. I walk over to get it. It has a picture of a door that looks pretty interesting. The old man puts the key on the counter.

"They already paid for it so you can take it, if you like." I smile and take the key and put it and the book in my bag. I smile, "Thank you, so much." I say as I walk out the door.

"No problem, dear." He says as he continues sweeping.

I walk out the door and head to those posters. That didn't take as long as I thought. I scanned the posters. Looking for one that I can do quickly. Some of them looks very old and one catches my eye. My eyes widened as I looked at it. I quickly grab it off the wall and studied it. I smiled and put it in my bag.




Wanted for killing and raping many people.

If found kill him or take him to the jail. Reward will be earned at the front of the town.

REWARD 200 Bottle caps.

This should be easy. I already know where he'll most likely be. Revenge will be sweet. Yeah this is really fucked up but don't worry. You won't kill the guy. Just hit and punch the hell out of him.

I walk to the alley that I was in the day this guy attacked me. I have a plan that involves me as the bait. I lure him in then at the last minute and then attack. I won't be as helpless this time. I'm actually prepared for this.

I walk into the alley and put on an helpless face on. As I go deeper into the alley I can see smoke. Ugh somebody is smoking. I can see a shape in the dark. Behold the man who almost raped me. I'm going to enjoy this.

I walk up to him and ask in the most sweetest voice in the world, "Um are you the guy from earlier?" He looks at me and studies me. As if I was some prize that could be won in those weird arcade thingys.

"Oh, You're that gal from earlier. What? You want something or what?" he said, walking towards me. "Well um I actually am here because I wanted to finish what we were doing earlier. I was really scared and I didn't know what was happening. But now I-I-" I lied. He looked shocked but smirked anyways. "Well if that's the case then maybe we could continued." he throws his cancer stick on the floor and went to put his hands on my waist.

I quickly grab them and hit his knees, making him fall on the ground. I throw his hands on the ground rather harshly. I kicked his back, his legs and a place that should not be talked about. Before he could get up or hit me, I hit him in the head. Knocking him out. Hopefully for a long time. I pick him up and head to the front of the town.

I would have hurt him more but I didn't have time for that. I made it to the building and walk in. Throwing his body on the floor next to the front desk. I pulled out the poster and point the guys face. "Got him." The person looked at me with awe. Ok I felt pretty badass as a few guards came in and took him away. The person came back with a bag of bottle caps.

"You know that guy was hard to get and nobody was able to get him. Not even our best Bounty hunters could get him." They said, Staring at me admirably. "Well, your best Bounty Hunters aren't the best where I come from. Anyways thanks." I said walking out and heading back to the base. I look at a poster that is hanging at the front gate.

It was about us. I quickly left without another word and walked back to Nick and Alpha.

I was there in no time and Cory and Adam were already back. Cory was there, waiting for me. He looked pissed, but also... Scared? I don't really know. I waved at him and he ran towards me. Holding me very tightly, as if he was going to lose me. I hug back and then waited for him to tell me not to run off again.

"Where the HELL were you! I was so scared when Nick said that you walked out the gate and said you were going to Seaport." He said pulling me away. I smiled nervously and try to calm him down from all his worrying. He tells me all about what they found at the Military base. Pretty much guns. I talk about the Bottle caps which Nick is very happy about. Of course I give each their fare share and we continue to talk about what we are doing next.

So, I guess we are going into the Radioactive zone. Great.

(Ok so sorry for not writing this chapter sooner. I just didn't really want to do it. I was being very lazy. Sorry not Sorry. I'm writing this at 1 am so yeah. Those keys are interesting huh? Probably not. Anyways, I was wondering. Do you guys want Uni and Alpha to be together?




I like or better. I think You guys should pick or. JK please don't do that. The end seems a bit rushed but that's okay. Anyways, Bye)

MariahReading Out~

(2108 words)wow

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