I stared at his profile, he's so... There's no words worthy enough to describe what I was staring at now. My mind searched for a paricular word. But no avail. He's just so... And two weeks. I only get two weeks before I leave to London. Where all of this may not even continue.

"Why? Can't I just come over to see you?"

I smiled. "Of course you can." And with that, I leaned in for a kiss. He was so sweet.

"Come!" I dragged him into my room, still mentally debating whether to tell him about my trip to London or not.

I slumped on the edge of my bed.

"Sit!" I patted on my comforter.

I fished out my phone to check my twitter feed, recently, I've been kind of obsessed.

'Yay! Mornin' with da bae!' I tweetted. "C'mon! Selfie time!" Zac leaned in for a selfie. I attached that photo with the tweet and posted it.

I turned around, only to see Zac looking at me with a smile.

"What?" I was wondering why he was looking at me like that.

"You look so cute being focused and all." And he ruffled my hair. 

I merely wrinkled my nose, blushing slightly.

We both layed on my bed, staring on the ceiling. 

I turned around so that we were both looking at each other. I stared at those electric blue ores, staring back at my plain brown eyes.

"I love you." He whispered. My heart fluttered.

"I love you too." I whispered back. And we layed there, just staring at each other for as long as one can remember. 

That was before Zac abruptly got up a carried my laptop from my desk to where we once were laying.

"What do you wanna do?" I questioned him.

"I don't know." He turned on my laptop. 

"Lets make videos!" I suggested enthusiastically.


I clicked on the photobooth icon and started the video record button.


"Hey!" Zac followed.

"Today is our first video that we are making, out of boredom." I announced.

If I won the lotto tomorrow
well I know 
I wouldn't bother going on no spending spree
I'd pick a business school and pay the entrance fee
Then maybe, if you're lucky, you'll stay friends with me.
I'll be a business man,
richer than Nina's daddy,
Donald Trump and I on the links,
and he's my caddy
My money's making money, I'm going from po' to moto
Keep the bling, I want the brass ring like frodo!" I suddenly rapped.

"That's from... 'In the heights'?" Zac asked.

"Aww, you know this song too?" I smiled excitedly at him.

"Oh no, there goes mr. Braggadocio

Next thing you know, you're lying like pinnochio"

I smiled. He does.

"Well if you're scared of the bull, stay out of the rodeo!" 

"Yo, I got more hoes than a phone book in tokyo!" He continued.

"Ooh, you'd better stop rappin'

"You're not ready, it's gonna get hot and heavy and you're already sweaty-"


"Yo, I'm sorry, was that an answer? Shut up, go home and pull your damn pants up! As for you, Mr. Frodo of the shire, 96 gs ain't enough to higher"

I started laughing.

"What?" Zac asked with a confused look on his face? "Was it wrong?" I smiled guiltily.

I nodded my head as I hugged my stomach. I was laughing so hard it was aching.

"Wh... why... is it..." I continued laughing. "ain't enough... to... higher?" I finally said between breaths. 

"Um. It isn't?" Zac started slowly laughing at himself.

"Of course not!" I half screamed half laughed.

"What?" Zac was laughing now.

"Its... Its... retire. 96... gs ain't... enough to... retire!"

"Ohh!" Zac siad in betweem laughs."Now it makes more sense."

And we, mostly I, spent a great amount of time laughing. 

It was until Zac hid his face behind my back. I turned around to see Zac resting his head on my bed, like he was too ashamed to show his face. Kind of what I did, on the Dani show months ago...

"You have been living a lie!" I told Zac playfully.

"I know." The bed muffled Zac's voice. "But hey," he continued. "rememeber when you did this on the Dani show?"

"Oh my god that was so embarassing can you please not remind me of this." I placed my palms on my now warm cheeks.

He just laughed.

"You better get up now," I said in a feigned angry tone. "or else I won't love you anymore."

Hesitating a second, Zac slowly got up like a good puppy.

"Good boy!" I ruffled his hair.

"Haha." I laughed.

We were both staring at the screen, making funny faces. This is so cute.

I opened my hands to hug Zac's head. "You're mine!" I exclaimed. And he smiled.

Then, we both pulled away, looked each other un the eye and kissed.


We spent the whole day in my room, listening to music, making videos, singing and talking about anything and everything. I knew he could tell but there was something wrong but everytime he wanted to ask about it, I gave him a sign that I didn't want to talk about it and he just let it slide. I felt kind of bad but I just want to enjoy this moment right now and forget everything that was bothering me.

I love him and he loves me. And that's all that matters to me now.


Hey guys, I finished this chapter like days ago but I was contmeplating whether to update this or not but anyways, that doesn't matter anymore so here it goes! Enjoy!

Life of a Teenage Super StarWhere stories live. Discover now