"See that wasn't bad was it" Jaxxon says as he locks his car door.

I cross my arms and let out a huff.

"I'm sorry I told you the course was 60 hours" Jaxxon says laughing:

I huff again and put in a pouting face.

"I was only joking" he keeps going.

I roll my eyes and finally look at him, "it's fine you had me worried at first" I tell him.

His phone rings breaking the conversation we were having.

"Hold on love I have to take this" he murmurs.

I nod my head and continue walking through the door of the house.

I hear Jaxxons voice get lower as he talks but I ignore it since it is none of my business.

I walk to the refrigerator and pull out a bottle of water, I open that cap and take a swift sip and look up to see Jaxxon entering the kitchen.

"I have to go, umm I have a job to do with the gang" he says.


"I won't be back until late, the gang likes to throw party's after jobs" he tells me with a small smile.

"Ok, thanks for letting me know"

I'm not sure why but I have the feeling he is going to hook up with a random girl and we are only friends so it's not like I can say anything about it and I can't feel some type of way about it.

I screw the cap to the bottle of water back on as Jaxxon walks out of the kitchen.

I wonder what life would be like if my mom never died.

I wonder if my 'father' would be abusive to me if my mom was still here.

My phone starts ringing again and I know that it could only be one out of two people. Christine.

"Hello" I say unsure.

"Yes girly so how is it with the guy? Do you think you can get us some money? We at in serious debt and we NEED some money" she rushes out.

I sigh knowing nothing good out of this is coming for me, "no i can't get any money" I stress out through my gritted teeth.

"Oh what a shame, when we come back your not going to school for another week. Your going to put in your weeks notice and collect your last pay checks and give me all the money" Christine spits at me through the phone with such malice it was actually scary.

This makes me wonder about what situation they have gotten into.

Christine hangs up on me like usual. Would their problem get them out of my life and make it easier for me to get away and start my own life?

"So why did you need to stay here?" Jaxxons uncle asks me, I turn around and see him leaning against the counter top.

"Family problems I guess you could say" I respond with a sigh.

the boy that saved meWhere stories live. Discover now