"Now how the hell do you get out of here?" You asked Mari, she just laughed and lead the way.


You made your way to the parking lot of the hospital and to Mari's car. She helped you in the front seat, setting your stuff on your lap. She walked over to the drivers side and got in, buckling her seat belt. You followed her motion. You texted Wes, letting him know you were going home.

"So where do you live?" Mari asked. Your face turned red as you forgot that most people still thought you lived with Tommy.

"Uhh... I live with Wes and Joven..." Mari glanced over at you, shocked.

"Wait, when did this happen?" She asked.

"When Rhonie and I got into that argument outside of the office the other day. Wes and Joven both told me I could live with them." She nodded, believing you.

"So, what, you sleep on the couch?" You nodded.

"Until I get my own place." She sighed and smiled.

"I wish you would have told me sooner, dude. That's cool that they let you do that." You smiled as your phone vibrated, knowing it was Wes. He replyed with:

"See you when you get here." With a heart emoji. You sent a heart back, laughing at how cheesey he was.

"What's so funny?" Mari said.

"Nothing, just what Wes said." Mari looked at you, giving you the face. And, what I mean by the face is the face someone gives you when they know you're up to something. You laughed.

"Its not what you think, Mari. We're just friends." You lied. You smiled and turned your attention back to the road ahead, praying home came soon.


You slowly made your way up to the door, Mari following close behind, carrying your stuff once again. You hobbled up to the door, opening it. You saw Wes and Joven sitting on the couch, talking. They turn around to see you walk in.

"Guess who's back, back again." You started singing, causing everyone to laugh. You made your way over to the chair, plopping yourself down. You sat your crutches on the floor beside you. You relaxed into the chair, sighing.

"Uhhh it's so good to be home..." You said, leaning your head against the arm rest, "Thanks again Mari for giving me a ride."

"No problem. See ya later. Bye Joven, bye Wes." Joven and Wes waved as she walked out of the door, shutting it behind her. Wes got up off the couch and walked over to you, hugging you from behind. Joven made a fake gagging noise and got up, going to his room.

"I love you too, Joven!!" You heard a groan and a door slam shut from back the hallway. You laughed.

"I'm so glad you're okay..." Wes said, resting his head on your neck.

"Yeah, thanks to you." You leaned your forehead on his head.

"Do you need anything?" He said, lifting his head to look at you.

"I want over on the couch, now that you mention it." You got up, balancing on one foot. You hopped once before Wes swept you off you your feet, or... foot.

"You take the fun out of everything." You threw your arms back over your head, letting your body go limp.

"For you maybe. But for me this is perfect." You looked up at Wes, who was smiling. You made a fake angry face, crossing your arms.

"I can't even pretend to be mad at you." You groan in defeat. Wes walked you over to the couch, laying you down, gently. You stretched out to where you were covering the entire couch with your body. Wes grabbed a pillow and lifted your leg, setting the pillow underneath of your foot so it was elevated. You just laid there with your eyes shut. You felt the weight shift beside you as Wes rested his arm on the couch, sitting on the floor. You reached your arm out and rested your hand on his head, running your fingers through his soft hair. You felt as pain shot up your leg, causing you to jump.

"Hey, Wes? Do you have any pain killers?" You asked, he turned his head to look at you. He nodded, standing up. He walked into the kitchen and opened a cabnit, pulling out a bottle of Ibuprofen (change if allergic). He took out two tablets and put the bottle back, shutting the door. Wes walked over to the dish strainer and grabbed a glass, filling it with water. He walked back over to you and handed you the glass and pills. You sat up and took the pills, gulping down the water. You sat the glass on the coffee table and looked up at Wes, who was staring down at you.

"So why didn't you stay in the hospital?" He asked, kneeling beside you on the floor.

"I've had bad experiences with hospitals. So I hate them." You said, not wanting to admit the full truth. You pat the spot beside you, indicating for Wes to sit, so he did. You laid back down on his lap, resting your head on his thigh. He placed his right hand on the arm rest and his left on your stomach. You kept your leg on the pillow so it was elevated, as recommended by your doctor. You rested your hand on Wes', intertwining your fingers. You looked up at him, you watched as his eyes sparkled with the reflection of the television screen. You smiled, realizing how lucky you actually were. You worked at Smosh with the best and most entertaining people you have ever met, you had a wonderful house, even if you only slept on the couch, and you had the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. Your ankle being a fuck did suck, but it happened in one of the best ways possible. It would have been better if it never happened, but it did. It didn't ruin the fun you had with Joven and Wes and the rest of the crew. Wes caught you staring.

"What?" He said, looking down at you, laughing and smiling.

"Nothing. Just thinking." You said, smiling back.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, petting your hair with his right hand.

"How lucky I've gotten in the passed few weeks. My job, living here, you. Everything that's happened since I've moved to LA has been wonderful... well... except Rhonie kicking me out and this," You pointed to your ankle, "but everything else... it's been like a dream... a dream I never want to wake up from." You felt as your face became warm. You smiled, realizing that you basically just confessed almost everything to him. He smiled back.

"Well, if I said that everything has been easy since before you got here, I would be lying. I feel like you lifted this weight off of my shoulders that no one else could. And not to mention the actual weight you lifted off of the editors at work. You're so good at it." He continued to run his fingers through your hair.

"I'm glad I can be of service." You said in a fancy accent, causing the both of you to laugh. You turn your head to watch the television, trying to keep your mind off of your ankle.

<DISCONTINUED> One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johnson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now