Chapter 9

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

I was so bored out pf my head without erza around. I sat next to wendy who was reading something. " whatcha doin little wendy"  she blushed " im reading (book) (y/n)-san" "wanna do something fun?!?" I asked wendy "sure, what are we gonna do?" "Lets go shopping "

We were walking around Magnolia when I felt something " wendy, did ya feel that?"  "Yea..... I felt it through my dragon senses"  " yea me too" we found a hooded lady "who are you? " i asked " i found a dragon.... I found a dragon .... I found a dragon......" "What" " Follow me" then my body moved on its own and i feel so weak that i cant control. Me and wendy just keep on walking and followed the hooded man. We kept on bumping to people and walked towards that person. I can see people shouting at us but I cant hear them. As if it is just time passing by.

Until our feet took us to the forest......


Me and jellal went to a well known restaurant in magnolia. The waitress offered us menus. "Im jin and what would you like to order?" "I'll have strawberry cheesecake"  "i'll have the grilled chicken platter" " alright ill be back in a few moments" i looked at jellal " so what is it that we are to talk about?"  " i just want to know how youre doing?" " im doing fine"  " i also found news about (y/n)'s heritage that neither she knows"   " what is it? Wait wait hold on.... Why did you tell me specifically? Why not tell (y/n) herself?"  " because im not so sure about this information.. When i was on my travels i encountered this guy who was heavily beaten i try to helped him but its too late he told me to find a person named  D Xavier before I was able to ask who this guy was he turned into ash"  "then what happened?"  " i didnt know what happened so i continued with my journey in finding D Xavier. I found him in a town that I've never seen before and he told me (y/n)'s story" "......"  " he told me that when (y/n) was young her parents were killed right in front of her eyes. Her parents wanted to save her from the burden of carrying such a powerful energy that they sacrificed themselves to fight a monster. However one thing led to the other and her parents were tortured right infront of her enable for the monster to extract great power from them" i started to tear up when i heard that story "he said that he took (y/n) and used his magic to erase her memories but it lead to (y/n) having really dark scary nightmares of her parents and family's death" i started to cry at what jellal said having to go through that pain was even  more worse than my nightmares before " this man also said that there is darkness which poisons (y/n)'s body it is visible if she lets you see it. It like a black blood stain from her foot going to her heart.. And if that reaches her heart (y/n) will die" my eyes even streamed more tears " why did she not tell me this!?! Why did she tell me she was hurting?! ". " im sorry erza i dont know" i left jellal and went to find (y/n) while tears are still dripping down my face

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