"Hello?" On the other end of the phone you could hear multiple people talking. You questioned again:

"Hello??" You heard someone cuss and grab the phone.

"Sorry, butt dial." They said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Wes asked, sounding confused.

"I have no clue but all they said was 'Sorry, butt dial.' Who on earth would have my number." Wes shrugged.

"You're sure it wasn't one of the guys from the office? Maybe it was Matt Rhab." He sounded unsure. You just shrugged.

"They didn't sound familiar." Your voice trailed off as Wes pulled into the parking lot. He backed into his normal parking spot and put the car in park.

"It's nothing to worry about, okay? It was most likely just a wrong number." Wes suggested. You nodded, agreeing. You climbed out of the car and Wes met you half way. You walk into the office as more of the members show up after you, taking their parking spots. You make your way to the elevator and through the halls, finally reaching your desk. You sit down and get to work, waiting for it to hit 10 o'clock.


"Hey guys and welcome to Cell Outs!" Joven said, positioning the camera very close to you and Wes.

"Today we have (Y/n), brought back by popular demand." You smiled and waved to the camera, Wes making weird faces behind you.

"And we have Wes, of course. So guys, what are we playing today?" You were holding the iPad as the game loaded.

"We are playing Flip Diving!" You said, starting the game. You played a round, then Wes, then Joven.

"Alright. Now let's go sit blindfolded in a car!" You and Wes both clapped as Joven turned off the camera. You all headed out to the parking lot with blindfolds in your hands. You took the front while. Joven and Wes took the back.

"Guys this is probably a bad idea because I get car sick." You gave a small chuck as you strapped on your blindfold.

"Eh, you'll be fine." Matt said as he climbed in the drivers seat. He started the engine and took off down the road.

"So guys, what do you think we are doing?"

"Rock climbing!" Wes yelled from the back.

"No Wes, not rock climbing." Matt laughed.

"Well, it was a diving game so maybe we are learning to dive?" Joven said.

"We already did that, Joven. Think harder. (Y/n)?"

"Rock diving? That's kind of exactly what the game was." You laughed to yourself.

"Good guess." Matt said.


Matt stopped the car and told everyone to get out. Of course, since everyone was blind folded, you all fumbled out of the car. You walked around the front of the car, Wes following behind you, arms linked, and Joven coming around the other side.

"I smell beach." Joven said, causing everyone to laugh. When everyone reached the front of the car, you linked arms with Joven, Joven following Matt.

"Okay, take off your blindfolds in three... two... one!" You all took off your blindfolds as people dove off of large rocks into water.

"Haha! I was right!" You did a little dance to yourself, earning a laugh from everyone, even the crew. You all made your way over to the ledge of the rocks and looked down. A man approached you and began talking.

"Hello everyone I'm Jacob and I'm going to be helping you cliff dive. Has anyone here cliff dove before?" Wes and Joven raised their hands, leaving you as the only newbie.

"Okay, so we have some experience. The main thing about cliff diving is to jump far enough that you don't smash into the rocks. That's really it. I'm not a professional." You all laughed and he shrugged. Then it was time to take turns jumping.

Joven decided to go first. When he jumped he yelled "WELCOME TO CELL OUTS!" And hit the water with all loud smack. Then it was you.

"Ooo I'm so nervous. I'm like, shaking." You said, you showed the cameras how bad you were shaking by holding out your hand.

"You're fine just jump." Jacob said, you gave him a sarcastic laugh.

"Haha thanks Capitan Obvious." You looked at the water below as Joven gave a thumbs up from the ledge. You backed up, running for the edge. You jumped and soared through the air, quickly hitting the water. When you hit, you felt as your foot smashed against the bottom. You felt bones crack and pop and pain rushed up your leg. You held your breath as you swam to the top, in pain. You decided to hide your pain for the video. You came up, giving Wes a thumbs up and a loud "WOOHOO!!" You swam using your arms and uninjured foot. You used your arms to pull yourself onto the ledge with Joven. You left your feet in the water to hide the brusing you could feel starting to form on you foot.

"LET'S GO WES!" You yelled, holding back tears. You watched as he did a flip and landed in a cannon ball in the water. You clapped and he came up, putting both fists in the air. You laughed at his excitement.

"Let's go again!" Joven yelled. You laughed as the crew made their way down the hill, meeting all three of you at the ledge. You stayed sitting, but turned and sat in a criss-cross fashion to hide the large bruise covering your entire ankle and top of your foot. You watched as blood ran into the water.

"Well guys, that was Cell Outs. Thank you to Jacob for giving us this opportunity. See ya'll next week!" Joven said and everyone waved. When the cameras cut you let out the breath you were holding. Tears filled your eyes as everyone talked, not paying attention to you.

"That was awesome!" Wes said, punching the air.

"Yeah... awesome..." You said, pain in your voice. You uncrossed your legs to inspect the damage. Almost your whole left foot was covered in yellow, black, and blue and you were bleeding from your heel.

"Oh god, (Y/n) What happened!?" He said, kneeling down to your side, looking at the blood coming from your foot.

"I hit the bottom. Lesson learned, don't hit the bottom." He lifted your foot by your calf and looked at the bottom, it was covered in blood and brusing.

"Oh shit, we need to get you to a hospital." Wes said, picking you up bridal style, "Matt, we need to go to the hospital." Matt turned around, the smile on his face quickly fading.

"What the hell happened!!" He yelled, causing everyone to look and you to flinch.

"I'll explain later can we just go it fucking hurts." You held back the tears as you feared you broke your ankle. Wes walked carefully to the car so he wouldn't drop you and sat you in the back seat on a towel. He ran around the other side, climbing in.

"The office is on the way to the hospital so we'll drop off Joven and head over there." Matt explain as Joven hopped in the front seat, turning around to look at you.

"Jesus, (Y/n), why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"Because I didn't want to." You said, sarcastically, "I wanted to make sure the video was finished it's my first time being in a video that's not GTS and I wanted it to go well. Of course me and my clumsy self had to go and fuck myself up." You gave a thumbs up and a fake smile. Matt started the car and quickly drove off, leaving the crew to pack up alone.

"I don't care if the entire channel rides on one video, if you get hurt, you tell someone." Wes' face was full of concern and anger. You were honestly terrified.

"Okay... I-I'm sorry..."

<DISCONTINUED> One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johnson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now