Chapter 14

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Freddie drove us home. He walked all the way from the house to the lake to catch Dougie and I sneaking out of the house. I felt embarrassed and Dougie, too. The worst of it is to see Freddie so upset, I cringe at the thought.

None of us said a single word to each other. Of course, Freddie drove back. I sat up in the front in the passenger because I wasn't going to let both of the brother be that close to one another. Who knows what will happen between the two of them? But things are going to get bad once we all take step into the house.

Luckily, nothing bad happened. It's probably about two in the morning and their parents are asleep. Good thing Freddie planned to get after Dougie once morning arrives so there won't be angry tired parents being woken up from all of the fighting going on. But I don't want to see nor hear what's about to happen in a couple of hours.

I don't know why Dougie didn't think this through. I knew that something like this would've happened...

The next morning at breakfast, I was the first at the table out of me, Freddie and Dougie. This is the first that I'm the first. Usually, either Freddie or Dougie would beat me to breakfast and barely any food would've been left over for me to eat.

I didn't have the appetite to eat. I was just worried and scared on what's going to happen, only if it ever happens. The thought of how Freddie was last night, guilt rushed over my body and my shoulders slugged down. I sat at the table, staring down at the top of the table, unfazed.

"Hey, good morning." I straightened up a little bit when I heard Freddie walk down the stairs and say something. Of course, it was to his mother. He didn't even acknowledge me at all, but still sat next to me at the table. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him carefully. Freddie didn't even bother to touch any of the food settled down on the table. Sooner or later, all of it was going to get cold and nobody is going to eat it.

Now I wondered: is Dougie ever going to show up? He never missed out on breakfast ever since I arrived that I have seen. He's always in a good mood, coming to the dining table. The goofy smile and his bed head of his; locks of ginger hair sticking out in every single direction possible.

Dougie sat in his usual seat: right across from me. He never made eye contact with me nor Freddie. I guess the morning was starting a little bit better than I thought it was going to be. I could be wrong in a matter of seconds, but I could feel the tension still going on.

He ignored the probably dirty look from Freddie as he started to pile up food on his plate. I took that as a signal just to start taking food and eating it since we all were sitting there, staring at the food. My hand reached out for the spatula to start piling pancakes up on my plate. And then all of the sudden, I pulled it back. I glanced over to see Freddie staring at me coldly. Once Dougie made the first move, it created a chain reaction towards me to make the next move and Freddie knew that it was going to happen.

"You okay?" Dougie asked me, a concern look on his face. His fork was in his hands, but he didn't start to eat as he was awaiting an answer from me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's n-nothing," I said quietly.

And then the awkward silence rolled back in. All three of us stayed where we were like we were statues. My eyes went back down at the table immediately after I replied back to Dougie's question.

"What? Are you really going to keep looking at me like that all day?" Dougie said, a little angry with the tone.

"Do I really not have the fucking right to?" Freddie hissed across the table, his fists slammed on top of the table hard and he stood up. A little gasp slipped through my lips and I flinched at the scene right in front of me. I knew it was going to happen. Why wouldn't it?

The Wrong Life To Encounter With ||D. Hamilton||Where stories live. Discover now