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There will be lots of profanity, graphic scenes, violence, etc. If you can't take that or don't like reading fanfictons like that, this may not be for you.

"What are you talking about?" I groaned to my Mum who was making some excuse for me to not go out tonight. I wasn't going to do anything bad, I just always wanted her to think that. I don't know why actually, I just wanted her to know that I wasn't going to turn out like the rich lawyer she wanted me to be. The only thing I wanted to be, was me. Okay, I'm lying just a little bit - I maybe have one or two drinks but I never get really drunk.

"You need to clean your room, I'm tired of it constantly being messy." She complained.

"My room is clean, I've done the dishes and everything you would've used against me. I'm going to that party, Mum." I smirked.

"You are not going to that party." She ordered again.

"Bye, Mum!" I laughed walking out the door. I just enjoyed making her mad, she was going to go cry to my Dad anyway because it was anything she could do to get his attention anymore.

I drove over to an address my friend texted me, that a party was at tonight. I didn't dress anymore than how I normally dressed, so I basically dressed down? I chuckled at my stupid joke and got out of the car, slamming the door. No one noticed, the music was pretty loud and much people weren't outside. I wasn't surprised that there was already people passed out around the house and outside, I was like an hour late to the party due to my Mum trying to keep me home. I pushed my way through the crowds of drunk people. I don't know why I went to these things, I think it was more just to tell my Mum to basically fuck off and that I didn't care what she had to say. I made my way up the stairs after I found an unopened beer. I don't even plan on drinking it, I always held one so I didn't look so out of place and offered any shots that they'd watch me take and make sure I took them since I still had to drive home. I sat against a wall, waiting for my guy friend to meet me. I said guy friend because we were friends but sometimes we were more, it was a really confusing and that's just how I started naming him. People walked by and went into rooms, or came out fixing themselves before going back to the party. A man in a hoodie sat down next to me, with a lit cigarette and a beer in his other hand. He sat there, not saying anything to me.

"Can you not smoke next to me? I don't want to get lung cancer from second hand smoke." I scoffed.

"It doesn't work that fast, Evie." He chuckled taking another drag, blowing the smoke in my direction.

"Are you serious?" I groaned waving my hand infront of my face to get the smoke away from my airways. "How do you even know my name?"

"Everyone knows you." He took a drink of his beer. "Evie O'Kelly.

"You're really creeping me out..." I said scooting a little away for him, just waiting for my guy friend to get here.

"Relax, everyone knows who you are. Your parents basically pay most of our parents bills since they own most of these companies." He grunted, taking another drag before offering it to me.

"I just said I don't want to die." I said fidgeting with my hands, awkward by the whole situation. I hated when people named me because of my parents. I knew I was their child but I had been working since year seven to get that label off me. I hated that people were just trying to be friends with me because I had money. I wanted to just do my thing without being thought of as some snobby rich girl. I was rich but I wasn't snobby, I don't buy my friends or anyone. I'm nothing like my parents.

"Whatever. Talk to you later." He chuckled getting up, throwing his now empty bottle of beer across the hallway, taking a long drag as he walked. Who was that guy anyway?

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