Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Mama," Icepup yells, "Where are you?!"

"Right here sweetie," Poppyclould says as she walks in the den with a piece of fresh deer meat, "and I brought food!"

As soon as she sets it down, Icepup and Lilypup ask, "Mommy when will we be apprentices?"

"Soon my pups, and look I think your dad is home," Poppycloud answers and nudges them out of the den. The pups sneak up on their dad, Sunstorm, and tackle him!

"Help me I'm being attacked! I surrender." Sunstorm falls with an exaggerated sigh and then gets up gets up and goes to their mother and watches the pups play, he nuzzles Poppycloud and says, "They are practically apprentices and talk has been going around that Flamestar will assign mentors to them today."

"All wolves old enough to hunt with the pack gather beneath Highrock for a pack meeting. Two pups are now old enough to become apprentices. Come forward, Icepup and Lilypup! You two pups will now be assigned mentors. Fernwing, as your first apprentice, you shall mentor Icepaw. Pass your wisdom and patience onto her. Brackenclaw, your mentor was Mudfur, pass his lessons to Lilypaw as her mentor."

Flamemoon goes into his den to discuss the patrols with Berryclaw. " Mom when will we be apprentices?" asks Rosepup.

"Yeah we want to learn battle moves!" exclaimed Oakpup and jumped on his sister.

"Still a couple of moons you just opened your eyes! But maybe you could see if the elders will play," replied Moonshine and nudges them along.

"What can we do first?" Icepaw and Lilypaw asked their mentors eagerly.

"What should we do first, Brackenclaw?" asked Fernwing.

"How about solo hunting, even though it isn't common. They still need to know it just in case. We could go to Oakbridge." Brackenclaw replied.

"I agree" Fernwing responded.

"YEAH!" the apprentices exclaimed.

"Careful, you'll scare away all the prey." Fernwing's voice was stern but there was amusement in her eyes. "Okay, lets go then."

When they arrive at Oakbridge, Icepaw smells something odd. She tells her mentor. "I am impressed you picked it up so fast, but don't worry it is only the Skyclan scent and very faint. The wind is in our direction. It just came from their border on the other side of Sunningfield. Okay, lets learn the hunting stance. You see that rabbit? Get down, tail just slightly above the ground, step lightly, and jump!" Fernwing jumped and before it had time to react she had killed it.

"Wow can I try Brackenclaw? How about to get that squirrel?" Lilypaw asked.

"Sure but be careful squirrels can be tricky..." Brackenclaw responds.

Lilypaw slowly creeps towards the trees and tries to keep low, but the squirrel sees her and runs. Still, Lilypaw manages to catch it.

"Nice job sis!" Icepaw says, and gives her a high-five paw.

"That was a good catch, now Icepaw try to get that bird." Fernwing says.

"I'll try!" Icepaw stalks up to the bird and is almost at it when it starts to take off. Icepaw does a flying leap, twists, and catches it even thought it's almost as big as she is!

"Is that good Fernwing?"

"It was amazing. We haven't even taught you that move. Now, let's try fishing Brackenclaw, should we do the deep or shallow part of the water first?" Fernwing asks, walking toward the river's edge, ready to see how the apprentices will do at a new task.

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