3 - Pastel bud

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One by one Jason lined up the jumbo dominoes into a line so he could push them down later. The jumbo ones where so more easer to set up then the regular ones in Jason opinion. As Sky and Ty talked about what they should get at the grocery store Jason continued to line them up. "Spaghetti or maybe fettuccine?" "I haven't had fettuccine in a long time." Sky shrugged "Okay so fettuccine," "But I think we should also get spaghetti, we can keep it in the pantry." Sky wrote down spaghetti and fettuccine.

"Anything else you think we need?" "Nope." Ty replied "Jason?" Jason carefully set down the domino and then looked up at Ty "Other than strawberries I think I'm fine." Sky smiled softly "Well then, we have everything written down, shall we go?" Sky got off the couch and so did Ty "Jason are you coming?" Ty asked.

"I umm... Think I may stay here." "Okay, but if we are leaving you alone just let me go over the rul- " Sky got elbowed in the side by Ty "Jason has heard it a million time already." Ty turned to Jason. "Isn't that right?" Jason nodded. "But do you remember all of them?" Sky asks. Jason nodded "If Sky and Ty are gone and if something happens do not hesitated to called him because they will come right home, and you can always visit the neighbour if you want help also. There are always phone numbers on the fridge- Yada, yadda, ya." "See Sky? He does remember." "But are you sure I can't just go over the rules jus-" Sky got elbowed in the side again. Hard. "OW- Okay, okay!"

Ty started to push Sky out the door "Just- umm- STAY SAFE WHILE WERE GONE OKAY?" Ty then closed the door behind him.

And just like that Jason was alone.

Jason turned back to the jumbo dominoes which he placed in the shape of a heart. "Maybe I will go see the neighbors?" Jason then looked at the calendar near the fridge "I think they would both be home today."

Jason started to get ready. That basically means he grabs his phone so if someone calls him he would know and he steals a cookie from the cookie jar. Because Sky and Ty were not there he could take all the cookies he wanted and no one could say no. What a rebel.

Knocking on the door Jason waited for someone to answer. He could hear the faint bit of foot steeps walk up to the door and then stop. There were several clicks before the door actually opened.

There stood a boy with brown hair with gray at the bottom, a light blue sweater with the sleeves rolled almost all the way up and some darker blue shorts. He was also wearing some baby chicks slippers. "Jason! Come in, come in!" Ross moved out of the way so Jason could come inside.

Ross looked around like he was almost expecting someone else before going back inside and locking the door again. "Anything been happing with you lately?" Jason asked Ross. "Nothing good to say, my husband is coming back home from this two-week trip though so that good." "Today?" "Yep! Unless something comes up... Usually, that happens a lot... But I hope not, I miss him." "Aww, that's nice!" Ross smiled. "I was about to make tea, would you want any?" "I wouldn't want to bother you..."

Ross started walking down the hall, he stopped for a moment and looked back at Jason, raised an eyebrow and then continued walking down the hall. Jason followed him as he spoke, "I was hoping you would visit soon, I haven't seen you in a long time and it has been getting lonely." "You could have called me if you were lonely." "Yeah... But I always thought you would be to busy with Sky and Ty and have no time to talk to me."

Jason blushed "You know I never really called you because I always thought you were hanging out with Max." Ross stopped at the doorway to the kitchen and looked over and Jason, blush also covered his face. Then they both laughed and said some type of apology to each other.

Jason sat down on the couch in Ross' living room as Ross set the tray that he was holding down on the coffee table in front of him. Ross then sat down beside Jason lifted a cup of tea off the tray and spoke "I haven't asked how you have been doing my pastel bud?" Jason also picked up a cup of tea. "Well, there has been a few new things in my life." "And those are...?" "Well I have been thinking about my childhood and you know the 'incident' for the past couple of... weeks. It's a horrible feeling." "Well if you ever want me to come over and sage the closets and doors ways I'm always here." "I know but..." Jason gripped on the teacup tighter. "But I want to get over them myself you know? I want to feel like powerful again! And not to have stupid fears that make me not want to sleep at night." Jason didn't really know how to explain it. Ross signed "I know, but help can always be good."

Jason took a sip of the tea and mumbled a small 'I know'. Ross also took a sip of his tea "You know we could set up a date where I could talk to you about thing and have fun if you want to." "That would be nice." Jason smiled. Ross reached out and grabbed the remote, turning the TV on. The first channel that showed up was a news one "It seems like another shooting has happed, the mafia has be-" Ross frowned and quickly changed the channel "I hate the news, don't you?" "Yeah, they usually talk more about the bad stuff then good a lot of the time." "I honestly think the only good stuff on TV is the kid's channels." "Yeah, but once and a while there's one of good mystery shows." "I like some of them. There is a few that are really bad but it actually funny to watch." Ross continued to flick through channels until he came across a document about moose. "Hey this document about moose's may be cool to watch." Jason nodded "Okay then we'll watch this then."

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