Chapter 5: I'm dating Thor.

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He blinks and takes a large bite of a hotdog. His eyes widen and he’s just as cute as a toddler trying ice cream for the first time.

I giggled and took a bite of mine.

“This is really good.” He said taking another two bites as it disappeared and he ate the other.

I gaped at him as he rubbed his stomach.

“I thirst.” He said examining the bottle of coke. “How am I to drink this thing?”

I smiled and uncork it giving it back to him.

He smiled and took a gulp of it, and another big gulp. “This is really bubbly.”

“That’s what makes it so good.” I smiled at him finishing my hotdog and sipping my drink.

He shrugged and drank the rest of the coke.

“Are you full?” I asked rubbing his arm.

“Yes I am.” He grinned at me.

“Okay.” I said standing up. “Let’s get home.”


I walked into my apartment to see Renee on the sofa watching Take Me Out and eating Ben and Jerry’s pistachio ice cream.

“Kay!” she smiled over at me. “Why are you back so early?” she asked before she caught sight of Thor and gasped covering her mouth.

“Hello.” He smiled at her.

Renee’s face turned red-ish. “H-hi.” She stammered.

She quickly grabbed my armed and dragged me into the kitchen.

“What’s wrong with you?” she whispered.


She raised her brow, “Don’t nothing me! He’s totally hot why didn’t you tell me he looked like that? I’d have gotten you something sexier to wear.”

I rolled my eyes, “Is that all you think about Ren?”

“Why isn’t it what you think about? I’d have jumped him by now.” She glanced over to him, “All of that right there, Kay!?”

I shook my head, “Ren, I need to tell you something.”

“Damned right you do.” She smirked, “I thought he was some nerdy guy from one of your classes but yummy! I need me a man looking like that.”

I slapped my face, “Ren be serious.”

She cleared her throat and flipped her jet black hair. “I’m serious.”

 We walked back into the sitting room. Thor was still standing by the door looking around.

“So, Renee,” I said gesturing to him, “This is Thor.”

Renee laughed, “Like the God? What were your parents thinking when they named you that?”

Thor raised his brow, “Is that supposed to be an insult?”

“No.” Renee smiled, “Relax hun, I’m just playing. Are your parents into Norse mythology?”

“You could say that.” I said nervously. “He actually is Thor.”

Renee gaped at me, “Are you seriously playing one on me right now?” she laughed, “I’m so getting you back for this.”

“It’s not a joke Ren.” I looked at Thor, “He’s a God, he came to earth for me.”

Renee rolled up laughing on the sofa. “Did you two go watching that new Thor movie?”

Thor frowned and started to spin Mjolnir.

“No!” I yelled.

He raised his hand at me and pointed out the window.

The perfectly bright night sky turned clouded and dark while the lightning started flashing and the thunder rolled, just like before on our date.

Renee gasped as she looked outside in shock. “Are you doing that?” she ran over to the window.

“Yes.” I said. “He did it before too.”

Renee looked back at him jaw-dropped. “Is this really happening right now?”

He nodded.

Renee looked at me freaking out. She was hyperventilating and trying to catch her breath.

“Oh my God!” she kept repeating. “This can’t be happening.”

The Norsemen (Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu