Howard & Selina's Bond

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Do not underestimate me just because I'm a young woman. I came fully prepared for this fight, Selina, tells me as her left eye regains it's sight. That's what I want to hear from you. I have something that I'm gonna whisper to you so just hear me out, I tell Selina. What is it, Selina, asks me. I'm not fully possessed by Tyrant, because the corruption hasn't reached my heart but if we both want to leave this area alive then we are both gonna have to play the parts like I am, I tell Selina. I understand. I'm glad to hear that. I can't imagine killing you, Selina, tells me. I know but go with me on all of this & hopefully I will give you an opening that you need for you to finally put an end to that son of a bitch once & for all, I tell Selina. Just don't screw it up, Selina, tells me. I never fuck up a great plan, I tell Selina. What is it like being a pawn for a fucking Vampire/Demidevil anyway, Selina, asks me. Hopefully you will start laughing once I tell you what I'm about to tell you but I don't want him to know about our plans so it's like this. It's a pain in the ass & on top of that it's fucked up if you ask me. I feel like a damn puppet without any strings on any of my limbs but that's gonna change when I give you the opening that I want you to take advantage of, I tell Selina. Tyrant, is such a fucking dick, Selina, tells me. You would say something like that, I tell Selina. The truth is the truth, Selina, tells me. I suppose you have an idea on how to stop me & kill Tyrant, I tell Selina. I got plenty of ideas so don't worry. I will free you big bro, Selina, tells me. Your gonna have to get wiser because once my eyes turn red he will control me lika a fucking puppet & coordinate my attacks by seeing through my eyes so be careful, I tell Selina. I always do, Selina, tells me. That's good to hear, I tell Selina, before I start to loose control of my body. I won't let this continue any longer, Selina, tells herself before she runs towards Tyrant, who manages to break out of the hell chains & fly upward out of Selina's reach. You are not gonna get me that easy, Tyrant, tells Selina. We'll see about that coward. I'm gonna enjoy ripping out your heart, Selina, tells Tyrant, who starts laughing at her. I have an idea on how you & me can handle this. I will gladly fight you without the use of your brother, Tyrant, tells Selina, as he makes me black out. What did you do to my big brother, Selina, asks Tyrant. I just knocked him out. I'll end you myself once & for all, Tyrant, tells Selina, as he reveal his red glowing eyes & dark devilish wings with a powerful force that blows Selina, a short distance away from him. Stop putting on a show prettyboy. Your nothing but a game controller to a game system that you tend to replace that with whoever you rather use as your pawns, Selina, tells Tyrant. I hold imaginable immense power that only you wish to possess, Tyrant, tells Selina, before he fly downwards at her & begin strangling her with his devilish tail. Fuck you, Selina, tells Tyrant, as she reveal her electric blue eyes along with her upper canine teeth & fingernails that grow to a sharp point. You can't kill an immortal like me, Tyrant, tells Selina. I got other methods on killing you, Selina, tells Tyrant, as she grabs his tail & cuts it in half that unfortunetly makes him fly backwards into my grip that I use to restrain him as best as I can. This is your chance to finally kill him sis, I tell Selina. Thanks big bro. Hang on to him & keep him from trying to escape until I get close enough to him for you to get out of the way in time before I impale him through his heart, Selina, tells me as she uses her magic to summon a golden sword. Got it, I tell Selina. I will not die here, Tyrant, tells Selina. This is the ancient sword of my mother's that I will use against you right here & now, Selina, angrily tells Tyrant, as she dashes at him with the ancient sword aiming directly at his heart. You are so dumb thinking that I'm gonna fall for this, Tyrant, tells Selina, before he somehow manages to flip me over him & have me take the full force of the ancient sword that Selina, meant for him. I knew I would fuck up this plan, I tell Selina, who kneels down in front of me with a sad face & heavy tears that fall from her eyes. Please don't die on me. Stay with me big bro, Selina, tells me. I feel my life failing but their could be a way that I can help you even if it ends up being for the last time, I tell Selina. I'm not gonna loose you here. I promised that I would save you. Shut up & save the rest of energy that you have inside you, Selina, tells me as she place both of her hands on my fatal injury as blood continue to pour on the ground. Let me help you for one last time. You can't beat him alone, I tearfully tell Selina, who looks down at me with tears dripping from her eyes unto my face. SHUT THE HELL UP & BELIEVE IN ME, Selina, tearfully tells me. Let me fuse into your body. You'll need my energy if you want to end Tyrant. I'm not asking you this time. I'm telling you. Put both of your hands on my chest, I tell Selina. I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP, Selina, angrily but tearfully tells me before she gives me a hard slap across my face. How can you call me cold-blooded when you stabbed your big brother-figure, Tyrant, asks Selina, that pisses her off. YOU DID THIS YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I'M GONNA TEAR YOU INTO MILLION PIECES & LIGHT YOUR FUCKING TEARED UP CORPSE ON FIRE, Selina, angrily tells Tyrant, who stands unfazed by her words. He has something to prove & all your doing is making him stronger with your anger. That is one way how you're making his power level go up higher, I tell Selina. What do you suggest I do then? I was gonna stab him but I ended up stabbing you through the heart instead, Selina, tells me as she breaks down crying. Their is always hope. Once we fuse you will become on a equal power level against him but how can I help you when you won't even accept it? Once I die you will die by his hands & I won't allow that SO LET ME HELP YOU, I tell Selina. Fine, Selina, tells me before she gives me a kiss on my forehead & place both of her hands on my chest. Having you as my little sister was the best thing that I could've ever asked for, I tearfully tell Selina, as I rub away her tears with my right hand. I love you so much big bro, Selina, tells me. I love you too little sis, I tell Selina. How am I gonna explain this to Natalie, Nikolis, Selene, David, Lena, Vidar & the rest of your Nordic family, Selina, asks me. You'll find a way. Let's begin this fusion together, I tell Selina. Ok but can we use my body, Selina, asks me. That was the plan the all along, I tell Selina, who gives me a tearful smile. I'll miss you, Selina, tells me. I'll miss you too but I will always be with you in spirit. Whenever you look up to the stars just think of one of them as my soul, I tell Selina. Ok, Selina, tells me. FFFUUUSSSIIIOOONNN, Me & Selina, say together at the same time which starts the Fusion Process as a white huge orb that surrounds us before I end up fusing into her body. What is going on? Whatever you two are planning won't work on me. I am immortal, Tyrant, tells me & Selina. The white orb light explodes in a dramatic but blindly flash explosion of light with a burst of powerful winds. I'm sensing an superior power level coming, Tyrant, tells himself. So this is the power of a full Vampire/Demigoddess/Corvinus-Strain/Lycan/Vampire/Demigod Hybrid, Selina, tells herself as she walks out of the cloud of dust with a white cape, golden wrist gauntlets, golden metal armoured footwear, golden chest armour, long white hair, white eyes & white angelish wings all on her with the golden sword of heaven in her right hand. Impossible, Tyrant, tells himself. It's gonna be me who end your existence, Selina, tells Tyrant. I won't allow this. You will not destroy me, Tyrant, tells Selina, as he powers up to a fully transformation with a black cape, silver wrist gauntlets, silver metal armoured footwear, silver chest armour, two silver devilish horns, long black hair, black eyes & black devilish wings all on him with the silver sword of hell in his left hand.

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