Kill Or Be Killed-part 2

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You have a habit of always disobeying my orders. I am afraid that you came all this way just to die by my hands. Remembering you as the one who turned against your own family just to serve under the Vampire Elder known as Viktor, disgusts me to my very core which is one reason why I have no other choice but to kill you. Your the reason why I lost my master Lucian, my bodyguard Raze, my wife Taresa & my son Wayne, I angrily tell Selina, who start shedding tears at me. Fight the darkness big brother! I know that you are inside somewhere fighting to take control of yourself. Fight it, Selina, tells me. Darkness is all that is left of me now. The light side is trapped within me & will never surface because the power of darkness is strong against the power of light which will always be weak. The big brother that you once knew is gone so your gonna have to deal with & die along with him, I tell Selina, as I begin to emit a pair of black devilish wings from my back before I enter a new transformation called the Dark Mode completed with a devilish tail. It would seem that I have no choice but to power up as well, Selina, tells herself as she begin to emit a pair of white angelish wings from her back before she also enter a new transformation called the Light Mode. Not bad. I always knew that you a hidden power inside you but I'm afraid that that mode of yours won't save you for all of the suffering that you caused me time & time again for the loved ones that I lost, I tell Selina, as I fly towards her & knocks her off the Dark Bridge. What's the matter. Can you fly, I tell Selina, who manages to fly upward & catch me offguard with a powerful uppercut that sends me flying up as she flies behind me. This place will be your grave, I tell Selina, before I begin pummeling her with both of my fists that cause her to cough up blood during every connected hit that I give her. You shall know pain, I tell Selina, before I decide to give her a roundhouse kick that she manages to dodge & counter with a roundhouse kick of her own that sends me flying directly in the Dark Tower. That attack was nothing, I tell Selina, as I fly out of the Dark Tower & stop at a certain distance. I came here to complete two objectives & I'm gonna complete them one way or another, Selina, tells me. Your gonna fail your two objectives today & rest in a pool of your own blood after I kill you, I tell Selina, who flies at me & use flurry of punches against me that I block & dodge. I always keep my promises, Selina, tells me which puts some sort of effect on me before I end up falling all the way down to the surface. T-Them words. They sound very familiar to me. Did I say them words, I asks myself as the two black devilish wings on my back fade away. Something clicked within you didn't it? It was them same words that you said to me. Remember who you are, Selina, tells me. I don't remember who I am, I tell myself. Remember, Selina, tells me as her two angelish wings on her back fade away. I know who I am but you have to kill me in order to free me. It's the only option at this point, I tell Selina, who walks up to me with tears falling from her eyes which was the opening that I needed to send her flying backwards into an old abandoned house with my right fist. You fell for it just like I had planned. All that remains of me is darkness. You have something to understand but it seems that you will never get the chance too since you are already badly injured to the point that I can just kill you but I have fulfilled some of the parts of my contract, I tell Selina, as a long sword impales through my chest from no other then Tyrant, himself before he slings me away. I thank you for doing your part on the contract even though I didn't tell you, Tyrant, tells me. You brainwashed my big brother only so you could use him as a pawn to have fight for you until he managed to soft me up for you, Selina, tells Tyrant. Indeed. He was nothing more than I pawn to me to begin with, Tyrant, tells Selina, as he walks up to her with his own deadly sword. Now to die by my hands & end your fucking existence, Tyrant, tells Selina, before he impales her with his sword. Now my plan of world dominance can begin, Tyrant, tells himself until he gets impaled through his chest with a sword by the revival of Selina, who appears behind him. I had to sacrifice my left eye to use a hidden power of mine called the Izanagi. Prepare yourself for the final round, Selina, tells Tyrant, before she pulls the word that she impaled him with out. I never even heard of the Izanagi, but I'm guessing that you can only use it one time judging by your left eye that's closed, Tyrant, tells Selina. I still got another eye to spare, Selina, tells Tyrant. That's interesting for me but bad for you, Tyrant, tells Selina. I have to doubt that, Selina, tells Tyrant, as she uses some sort of magic ability to have him restrained in red chains. I gotta go save a life, Selina, tells Tyrant, before she runs to Howard's aid. It seems that the way we wanted this to go somehow got off balance, I tell Selina, who put her left hand over my mouth. I know that but save your strength & shut up. You are losing a lot of blood, Selina, tells me. What are you talking about? I'm just a clone that my master managed to mold. The real Howard, is about to come out of the Dark Tower, Howard, tells Selina, before his beeper starts to tick down which gets her the idea to run as far away as she can from the fake Howard, that explodes. If that is the fake Howard, than where is the real Howard. I'm behind you sister, I tell Selina, before I kick her a distance away which gets Tyrant, laughing with amusement. Prepare to meet your death at the hands of the man you call your big brother, Tyrant, tells Selina. So at the beginning I was fighting a useless android that you created from my big brother's DNA. Things are getting darker after all, Selina, tells herself as I walk up to her revealing my red eyes to her. I have time for us to talk together for a while so how about you & me find something to talk about before I get in a fighting mood, I tell Selina. Tyrant, is gonna pay for what he's done to you, Selina, tells me. You will have to kill me in order to get a chance to eliminate him you know that don't you sis, I tell Selina. I know. I'm gonna free you from Tyrant's control, Selina, tells me. If you can yes but you will find that really hard than you already know, I tell Selina.

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