Transformation-part 17

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Don't let your emotions cloud your mind. I been there before & it only made me forget what was really important to me. I miss my wife & my son every day & every night. Their deaths will always haunt me until I slaughter my enemy who's responsible for taking them away from my life. I am also aware of the fact that you would've died by the sun if I hadn't intervened in time to save you. You saved my life by granting me your powers to become a Corvinus-Strain Lycan/Vampire Demigod Hybrid so I think it's about time I give you the gift to become fully immune to the sun, I tell Selina, before I bite my left arm & hand it to her. Why are you doing this, Selina, asks me. Well since you asked why I'm doing this then I might as well give you an answer to your question. I refuse to let you join your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your half-sister & your nephew. Your life still matters whether you accept it or not. I made a promise to keep you save & it's a damn promise that I plan to keep. I also have something that I better tell you in case I don't live to see the victory. You were the one who taught me that sometimes you must look within yourself to acknowledge who you truely are. We are no different from Semira or Marius. We make insane choices that don't make any damn sense but the one thing that Semira & Marius, don't have is a warm heart full of care & love. The only true reason why I stopped myself from killing you when I had multiple chances on doing it was because if I done that then I would've been no different then Marius. I would only be failing the ones that I loved & cared about & that is why I couldn't bare myself to go that fucking low. I love you lil sis & I would do anything to save you. Sometimes it's quite rare for two people from two seperate long distant hometowns to become so close like family. I don't want the bond that you & me both share to ever end, I tell Selina, before I hug her tightly in my arms which calms her down as she hugs me too & start to cry. I love you too my big brother. I wish we had met face to face much earlier than we did & in a different circumstance. I never wanted to be a Death Dealer but when it came to my family I had no choice. I did it to keep them out of harms way but I failed them. I failed them all, Selina, tells me as she start to cry even more. You failed no one. You did what you thought was right. I'm sure that they understood why you chose that path anyway. I don't wanna hear you blame yourself anymore. You are the last of the family that you were born into & I'm damn well ain't gonna let you die so understand that I got your back & their is nothing that I wouldn't do for you. If we both wanna win this war then we have to believe that we can win it. If you believe it, you can achieve it. Remember them words. It's almost time for us to get ready to go war soon so make sure to get your gear, I tell Selina. I will, Selina, tells me as she wipes away her tears after her eyes turn back to normal. Now take the gift that I'm offering you, I tell Selina. Right, Selina, says as she takes me left arm & begin drinking my blood until she feels that she have quenched her thirst. My debt is repaid once again. Starting here & now you are a Corvinus-Strain Vampire Demigoddess Hybrid, I tell Selina, as I grab her by her right hand & pull her up to me. Let's make both of our families proud, Selina, tells me. I'm down with for that, I tell Selina, before Lena, walks up to us. We are all ready to go on the train & head east, Lena, tells me & Selina. This is for the glory of the Nordic Coven, Selina, tells everyone before we all start walking out of the courtyard & on to the frozen ground of ice. I hope your enjoying the time you have left Marius, because this day will be the last you ever see, I say. Your days for manipulating to get what you want are over Semira, Selina, says. You two have indeed grown in each & every way. I'm proud to have you as my second daughter Selina & you as my first son Howard, Selene, tells Selina & me. I appreciate that second mom, I tell Selene. I feel like we can win now that your back in action second mom, Selina, tells Selene, as we all make it to the train that waits on the track. They all get on the train & sit down around tables before it starts to pull off. I'm the waiter on this train. Can I get the three of you anything, Waiter, asks me, Selina & Selene. That voice sounds very familiar to me. Is it by any chance that your a guy named Benjamin Corvinus, Selina, asks the Waiter, as she stands up to him. It would seem that I no longer have to search for you anymore baby because I have finally found you, Benjamin, tells Selina. OMG. It is you. I missed you so much. I thought you died, Selina, asks Benjamin, before they hug each other tightly & hold their lips together as they kiss. Me & our son Wolf, have been plotting our plan on escaping from the Eastern Coven & last week we were finally able to make out getaway when Semira, had us try to find you so you can fulfill your duties as a member of the coven but I knew that that would probably be the only way for me & our son to find you, Benjamin, tells Selina. That is the one thing that Semira, did right but it still doesn't change the fact that I'm gonna kill that bitch today, Selina, tells Benjamin. In that case I have something to tell you about what Semira, did to me that might want you to slice her into millions of pieces, Benjamin, tells Semira. What did she do, Selina, asks Benjamin. I wasn't aware of the fact that she put some drops of nightshade in my drink that paralysed me that made it easier for her to seduce me since I was helpless as our son was strapped up & forced to watch, Benjamin, tells Selina. I should've knew that that bitch was jealous of you & me. I don't blame you for that shit but I am gonna have my hands dripping with her fucking blood all over them for everything that she's done to me, Selina, tells Benjamin. I'm glad that you are here with me & our son who is somewhere on this train, Benjamin, tells Selina. I'm glad that the both of you are here. I can finally be with the both of you again & be a great wife & a great mother yet again, Selina, tells Benjamin, before Wolf, runs into her arms with happiness. Your alive mother, Wolf, tells Selina. You have really grown son. I can't call you my little baby anymore can I, Selina, asks Wolf. I don't mind mom. All that matters to me right now is that you, me & my father are a family again, Wolf, tells Selina, who wraps her hands around him with tears falling from her eyes. I'm glad that we're a family again too son, Selina, tells Wolf. That black guy looks like a fucking lycan, Benjamin, tells Selina, as his eyes turn to a shade of electric blue. He is not a threat baby. He is also a member of the Corvinus Clan like you are but he is on our side. His name is Howard Carr & he's been through a lot everysince he lost his wife Taresa, who was my half-sister & his son Wayne, who was my nephew to the one known as Marius, who is responsible for their deaths & most of the other coven being destroyed. To me he is also a brother-figure because he saved my life many times & on top of that he is also a Corvinus-Strain Lycan/Vampire Demigod Hybrid thanks to the powers from Alexander Corvinus, the powers from Lucian, the powers from Selene & the powers from me, Selina, tells Benjamin, who believes her & walks to Howard & shakes his hands. Their is no way that I can thank you for all of the things that you done for my wife but I will remember to make it to you one day, Benjamin, tells Howard. Don't worry about that. I'm just glad that I could be there for your wife. She is the main reason why I'm still alive & I also decided to make her a Corvinus-Strain Vampire Demigoddess Hybrid, I tell Benjamin. I'm so sorry for your lost, Benjamin, tells me. Thank you. I appreciate it very much, I tell Benjamin. I'm sure that you know Lena, Natalie, Nikolis & Selene, Selina, tells Benjamin. I know them, Benjamin, tells Selina. Sorry if I missed your wedding, Selene, tells Selina & Benjamin. It's okay. You don't have to apologize for not being there, Benjamin, tells Selene. I hate to admit this but you & Selina, probably have a few minutes to make love in the restroom so make it snappy, I tell Selina & Benjamin, who both start laughing at me. You must me joking big brother, Selina, tells me. I really wasn't joking so get to it you two, I tell Selina & Benjamin. We may have been seperate for a very long time but we aren't that desperate to have sex right now, Benjamin, tells me. In that case I understand but I was just saying in case you two missed making each other sweat, I tell Benjamin & Selina, before I start laughing at them before my laughing gets interrupted by the kiss of Natalie. How about you & me have sex in the restroom if your interested because if you are then I am willing to please you by turning my entire body into your playground, Natalie, tells me which shocks the hell out of me since it caught me offguard. I-I must have been dreaming or maybe I accidently bumped my head or something. Did you say that you wanted me & you to have sex in the restroom, I ask Natalie. I did, Natalie, tells me before she kiss me again until I decide to give into her soft kiss. I'm interested but I rather for us to have sex if we make it from the war alive, I tell Natalie. I understand, Natalie, tells me. I'm cool with it father, Nikolis, tells me. What the hell is going on here. Me & your mother aren't even married & your are already calling me your father, I tell Nikolis. I would love for you to be my father if that's okay with you, Nikolis, tells me. It seems like I have no choice. I accept being your father son, I tell Nikolis, who reaches across the table & hugs me. I love you father, Nikolis tells me. I love you too son, I tell Nikolis. Can you get me a cold glass of gin & juice baby, Selina, asks Benjamin. I sure can & I think I should get myself one as well, Benjamin, tells Selina, which gets all of us on the train laughing like a really big family.

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