Transformation-part 1

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I woke up being surrounded by many people with white hair which kind of creeped me out to the point that I began growling at them with no intension of doing them any harm but the fact that I was being starred at by so many people had me wondering what they were gonna do to me. It's alright. We're not gonna hurt you Howard. I sat up to the sound of my own name being called & turned my head behind me to see a pale, white-headed long hair woman holding a wet white sheet in her hands. Who are you, I asked the woman holding the wet white sheet. My name's Lena. I tried all I could to save your wife & son but they were already to far gone to be revived, Lena told me. I layed back down with tears falling from my eyes. It's my fault that they are gone. I have no one to run to anymore. I refuse to raise another lycan Clan & I refuse to be a leader, I tell myself. I can see your entire life just by looking at you. You suffered a lot from your time as a young boy that your trying to erase from your existence. I can help you. Close your eyes & try to remember your past, Lena tells me as she put the white sheet on my face. As I close my eyes I see many visions of my past flash within my mind like a movie until I fell into a deep sleep. 1st Flashback- What seems to be the matter, Lucian asks Raze. During our hunt on retrieving Michael, we happen to confront this kid in a subway car who said that he wants to be one of us. Should we let him join, Raze asks Lucian. It's really his choice if he wants to become one of us. It's not up to me to force someone to join our family of the Lycan Clan when he or she isn't ready for this kind of power unless the person is really sure that they will be able to handle it without any regrets, Lucian tells Raze, as they both look at me. I heard a lot about you Lucian. You was gonna end the war by forming an hybrid containing the blood, speed, strength, power & intelligence of both species. It was your plan when you & Sonja, both fell in love with each other behind closed doors. Viktor, ruined the plan by killing his own daughter along with your unborn child with the very weapon that all of the Death Dealers fear of than silver alone. I thought you were dead but I suppose you had no choice but to act like you faded from existence as a cover-up, I tell Lucian. You know a lot about me which is kind of making me curious. Did the Vampires send you as a spy, Lucian asked me with an angry voice. Not at all. I was on the train finding out details about something when a shootout started. What was so special about the one guy that you Lycans wanted, I ask Lucian. He is the key to ending this war because he is a descendant of the Corvinus Clan, Lucian tells me. I understand now, I tell Lucian. I sat down & listened as Raze & Lucian, conversated until they both ended it. What's your name, Raze asks me. My name is Howard. Get someone to train Howard, will you Raze, Lucian asks Raze. Sure, Raze, tells Lucian, who storms out. I watch as Raze, pulls out the last huge upgraded shuriken from his wound. May I look around & find a trainer for me, I ask Raze. Good luck with that but I advise you to choose carefully because some of our members don't like strangers walking around by themselves, Raze tells me. A young white woman with long black hair & a bang over her right side of her face walks in the room. My name is Taresa & I'll train you but I can't do that if you haven't been bitten by our leader Lucian, yet. Can I just allow Raze, to bite me instead, I ask Taresa, as I look at her from top to bottom. Stop looking at me like that you perv, Taresa tells me with an angry look on her face as she flick her middle finger at me. Is that your way of telling me to stop, I ask Taresa. I'm just saying fuck you that's all. Let's get one thing straight. A twenty-one year old young woman like me doesn't get wet to a fifteen year old guy like you who looks like he never had a one night stand so do me a favor & stop staring at me like you have a shot to act like a fucking twenty-one year old young man, Taresa tells me. I'm not fifteen. I am officially twenty-one years old & I don't care about getting a shot with you. I've been single for this long so I can handle myself without a young woman in my life, I tell Taresa, before I stand up & begin punching a nearby wall to release me of my anger management which calms me down. You're tough when your in your anger mode, Taresa tells me. I happen to realize that I put a dent in the wall that I punched before I look at my knuccles which are bloody. You're dangerous already & your not even a Lycan yet, Raze tells me. I still want to become a Lycan, I tell Raze. Maybe it is your blood that I should be testing, Singe tells me. I try to forget that your even in this room because you kind of creep me out with your blood experiments, I tell Singe. Singe, walks to me & give me a needle shot in my neck & eject a sample of my blood in a jar of water. Incredible, Singe tells himself. What's the matter, Raze asks Singe. Michael Corvin's blood is not the only one that can make promise about the true facts of becoming a hybrid of two species. We have another one who is capable of becoming a hybrid from a bite of a Vampire & a bite from a Lycan. Howard, is another descendant of Alexander Corvinus, Singe tells Raze. I'm a descendant of the Corvinus Clan, I ask myself as I look at my blood swirling within the jar of water. I remember hearing that my mother died after she gave birth to me & I also remember hearing that my father was responsible for killing her after William Corvinus, bit him with a vicious bite that killed him but after a few minutes it revived him but with the loss of his humanity as he became a bloodthirsty werewolf who only saw fit in killing innocent people & turning them into bloodthirsty werewolves. Maybe my father wasn't responsible for the death of my mother. It probably was William Corvinus, who killed her. It was only luck that I made it then & now, I tell myself. I'm sorry to hear that. It will be amazing training you. I will begin training you whenever your ready. Just give me the word when your ready, Taresa tells me. Can we begin now, I asks Taresa. Sure, Taresa tells me. 2nd Flashback- I never thought that I would end up sleeping with you on one of these nights even though I was the one who said that you wouldn't get a chance with me. I guess that no longer matters since we both switched positions being on top of each other. You can kiss being a virgin goodbye after our one hour sex drive that we just had, Taresa tells me as I kiss her multiple times on her right shoulder since her back is turned to me. Lucian, is gonna be furious when he finds out that we slept together, I tell Taresa. No he won't. I know my big brother all to well. He's been trying to hook me up with Pierce & Taylor, for months but I could never see myself with them two assholes. I never could tolerate them two men always fighting over me like I'm some fucking prize. When I first met you I thought you was like them but I realized over a month or so that I was so wrong about you. I'm glad that you came here, Taresa tells me as she turned around to face me. Thank you for telling me all of that but their is something that I would like to ask you, I tell Taresa. What's the matter, Taresa asks me. You never told me that Lucian, was your older brother, I tell Taresa. To be honest I look up to him as my older brother. The real older brother that I had died somehow which is something that I'm still having a hard time figuring out, Taresa tells me. What was your real older brother's name, I ask Taresa, who starts shedding some tears. Marius, was his name. He was born six years ahead of me as a secondary type Lycan with the ability to transform between his human form & his Lycan form at will unlike our mother who wasn't able to do so because she was a werewolf who couldn't take human form ever again. It was hard for me to accept my mother because she couldn't become her human self anymore but after a few years I started accepting her as my mother thanks to my dear older brother. I miss her a lot as well. Now I'm gonna tell you what happened & how I ended up here, Taresa tells me. You don't have to tell me if it starts making you depressed even further. I may not have lost my parents the same way that you have but I want you to understand that I'm here for you. Our backgrounds could be alike or different but the truth is that we're both still alive which is a blessing. Some people say that certain things happen for a reason which is something that I still don't understand but what I believe is that certain things that do occur always have a starting point & an ending point, I tell Taresa. Are you refering to the war between the Lycans & the Vampires, Taresa asks me. I could be. I don't really like seeing people die without any reason but what really upsets me is watching innocent people who aren't even guilty die by the hands or weapons of cold-hearted people, manipulators, backstabbers & the ones that many people like us look to, I tell Taresa. Since your a member of the legendary Corvinus Clan maybe you can be the one who is able to end this conflict before it becomes a blood war, Taresa tells me. I want to stop it by making a peace treaty but this war has been going on for centuries & their is no need for me to get myself killed for a loss cause from the Death Dealers from each vampire coven just because of the side that I'm on. I just don't think that I'm the answer, I tell Taresa. How long do you think that Lucian, of the Lycan Clan & Kraven, of the Vampire Clan are gonna become secret peace treaty friends, Taresa asks me. I wasn't even aware of the fact that our own leader was even allying himself with a Vampire who probably is using Lucian, I tell Taresa. Your probably right, Taresa tells me. I'm gonna get up now. I have a lot to think about with little time for me to figure out what I'm gonna do about it, I tell Taresa, before I get out of bed. I really enjoyed myself with you, Taresa tells me as she pulls the quilt upon her revealing breasts. Same here, I tell Taresa as I put on my clothes. I want to give you something before you go, Taresa tells me as she gets up out of the bed & run up to me. What is it, I ask Taresa. I watch as she take the quilt off of her therefore revealing her naked to me before she grabs my head & place it between her breasts. I love you so much that I am willing to never leave your side no matter what decisions you make because starting from tonight & here on you're my mate for life. Same here, I tell Taresa as I enjoy the pleasure of rubbing my face against her warm chest. You are the youngest of the Corvinus Clan so your speed, power, strength & intelligence can surpass even the normal Lycans & the normal Vampires alike. You must be protected at all costs, Taresa tells me. I can't do it without you by my side, I tell Taresa. Let's bring peace together, Taresa tells me. Let's get started, I tell Taresa.

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