Present, Past & Future-part 2

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Wake up big brother, Selina, tells me. Whoa. Whoa! Whoa! What seems to be the matter little sister. Did something happen between you & Benjamin, I ask Selina. No. Me & Benjamin, are fine but it's something else. Something far more dark, Selina, tells me. Your not making any damn sense right now. Speak a little more clearly in English for me to understand what your telling me right now, I tell Selina. You can be such a pain in the ass sometimes. Do you wanna hear what I gotta tell you or not, Selina, asks me. How am I suppose to get up when Natalie, is sleeping on top of me, I ask Selina. I'll help you move her gently off you, Selina, tells me. Thanks, I tell Selina, before she helps me gently get Natalie, off me & unto the pillow beside me. Can you come outside with me so we can talk in private, Selina, asks me. Yeah but turn around so I can put on me some clothes, I tell Selina, who decides to turn away before I get up out of the bed & pick out some clothes that I put on me. Are you finished putting your clothes on now, Selina, asks me. Yeah. I'm done. Let's go to the Courtyard where you can tell me whatever the hell this darkness is that I had a hard time understanding before, I tell Selina, before we both walk out together until we get to the Courtyard. I'm gonna tell you the story about a dark figure that has freed himself from Hell & is back to make his dark empire with himself as leader over the entire world, Selina, tells me. Is this story that your telling me sort of comes from a true flashback of what you know of this dark figure, I ask Selina, who pulls out a small book from her backpack that she hands to me. Try to read this ancient book & listen to what I'm telling you all at the same time. Can you handle all that at the same time, Selina, asks me. Sure, I tell Selina. Hold on. I got a better way but I'm not sure that you will be able to handle what you might see. I have an ancient ability that my mother taught me that allows whoever I put my right hand on to enter my mind & see through my own eyes as if you were there seeing it happen yourself, Selina, tells me. I think I heard of something like that. I think it's called Mindsight or something like that, I tell Selina. That's what it's called. Before I place my right hand on your forehead I must first slit the palm of my right hand with my small knife so my blood can begin absorbing into your head therefore beginning the mindsight process. Whoever is willing enough to do this ancient process will absorb the memories of whoever they decide to do it with once some of the user's blood from his or her right hand is placed on whoever is bold & brave enough to venture inside the mind of his or her without second guessing, Selina, tells me before she pulls out a small knife from her back pants' pocket & slit the palm of her right hand in a minor factor just to see some of her blood start pouring out. I'm ready, I tell Selina. Ok. See my past within my eyes, Selina, tells me before she place her right palm on my forehead that begins the process of Mindsight. Selina & Howard's 1st Mindset Process to the Past- What seems to be the matter my daughter, Blood, asks Selina. It's nothing. I'm fine. Don't worry about me mother. I just have a lot on my mind right now that I need to straighten out, Selina, tells Blood, who stands by Selina's bedroom door with her arm crossed. I know you better then that. If it is something bothering you then please tell me. Is their anything that you would like to tell me, Blood, asks Selina. I-I'm scared, Selina, tells Blood, who walks to her daughter & sit by her. Their is nothing to be scared of. You are a brave girl just like your twin sister Nicole & your little brother Daniel, Blood, tells Selina. You have no idea what or who is coming for me mother. I seen a red-eyed devil talking to me inside my dreams threatening me with his evil words about killing me once he finds me. I am no longer safe anymore. I can run but I can't hide. Don't let him take you away from me mother, Selina, tells Blood, as she starts to cry in her mother's arms. I won't let anything happen to you my daughter. I fear that he would return from Hell once again to continue his dark plans on conquering this entire world, Blood, tells Selina. You know him, Selina, asks Blood. His name is Tyrant & he is a powerful Vampire/Demidevil from Hell who will not rest until he finish his evil plans on conquering the entire world. If he escaped from Hell then he will indeed come for you since you out of Nicole & Daniel, have a magical ability within you that only you can destroy him with once you fully unlock the technique but until that time comes I would want you to wear my sacred necklace, Blood, tells Selina, as she wraps it around her daughter's neck. I am only ten years old mother. I know that I am a Vampire/Demigoddess but I just don't think that I have what it takes to destroy a powerful Vampire/Demidevil like Tyrant. I still have a twin sister & a younger brother to protect. They wouldn't want me to fight this monstrosity alone without them by my side, Selina, tells Blood. I understand. I don't want you to think that I am putting all of the responsibilies on your shoulders but in my visions I only see you being the one ending the life of the Vampire/Demidevil. It is now your destiny but you will also face many trials before you hit this path. Things will happen that you won't understand & they'll be things that will force you to choose between sides but never forget who you are or what you stand for, Blood, tells Selina, before she wipes away her daughter's tears. Are you telling me that in your vision that I am the only one out of this family bloodline that is gonna still be alive? Is that what your telling me, Selina, asks Blood. I am my child but do not cry over this. We are all born to die & no one lives forever. You will be the successor of our bloodline in many ways that you will see for yourself. I seen many things that will take place in your life that I rather have you understand it all at a time, Blood, tells Selina. I'm not sure that I'll be ready to accept everything that you have foreseen about me but I'll just have to deal with whatever comes my way if I want to make my family bloodline superior, Selina, tells herself before she gets up off the bed & walks to the window where she just stands by & look out of. I can sense the darkness of Tyrant, approaching closer so help me with something really quick before he becomes so powerful that it will be impossible for us to send him back to Hell, Blood, tells Selina, before she sits on the floor. What are we gonna do mother, Selina, asks Blood. Inside your body you have a two magical abilities that you have yet to fully unlock & perfect. The ultimate magic ability that you possess is called Izanagi. Izanagi is a illusion that is cast on the user instead of others & is the most powerful amongst this type of illusion. When activated, the caster removes the boundaries between reality & illusion within their personal space. To a degree this allows the user to control their state of existence, but it is normally active for only the briefest of moments. While the user remains physically real while fighting, this technique is capable of turning any occurence including injuries & even death inflicted upon them while the technique is active into mere illusions. Whenever the user receives a fatal injury, he or she automatically fades away as though they were an illusion all along & then returns back to reality; physically real & unscathed. The superior magic ability that you possess inside you is called Izanami. Izanami is a illusion which affects the target through physical sensations shared between them & the user to perform the illusion. Like it's counterpart, in exchange for the temporary ability that it grants the user, the right eye with which Izanami is cast is rendered blind & loses it's light forever. This technique & Izanagi form a pair, but unlike the latter, which is a technique capable of altering destiny, Izanami is instead one that decides it. To begin the technique, after selecting any arbitrary moment, the caster uses their right eye to remember the physical sensations both of their body & that instant like a photograph (represented as A). Izanami overlaps & connects these two identical bodily sensations (A & A), as well as the flow of time between them, creating an infinite loop of events that entraps the opponent's consciousness. The user can also use their right eye to remember multiple sensations, (represented as B, C & so forth) & those sensations will also be used when Izanami is activated. The user also doesn't need necessarily to replicate A with A to initiate Izanami. They can also replicate B with B' or C with C' as well. The more the sensations they memorise, the better their chances would be to initiate Izanami on a person & the more sensations the victim will experience each time they repeat a loop. While under the effects of the technique, the target stands motionlessly as the loop of events continually replays inside their mind. Each time a loop is repeated, any physical damage incurred is reset as it were before the start of the loop, although the remains of severed appendages do not disappear. The illusion of the user & anyone they were fighting alongside also have any damage reset as well such as the blindness that come with Izanami. Despite being able to become consciously aware of their situation & act differently, the victim is unable to significantly alter or escape from the inevitable progression of these events as the illusions they're fighting will also quickly adapt to their changes in order to force the victim to experience the memorized sensations. However, because this technique was created to reprimand & save the users of Izanagi, the victim is able to escape the infinite loop if they can acknowledge the real results of their actions & in doing so accept their fate. The illusion of the user will continuously tell the victim to take a closer look at them & acknowledge their mistakes until they do so. One of the most famous stories about Izanagi, tells the tale of how he goes to Yomi, the Japanese underworld, to retrieve Izanami, after she died giving birth to the Shinto fire God Kagutsuchi. In Yomi, he manages to get Izanami & they both try to leave, however, Izanagi, was not supposed to look at her before they escape. Right before they reach the exit, Izanagi, looks back & sees her in a decayed form. Frightened, Izanagi, flees from Yomi & block the cave. Izanami, curses, Izanagi, says that she will kill 1000 people per day. In response, Izanagi, says that 1500 people will be born each day. In another variation of the story, it is stated that Izanami, told Izanagi, to leave, however, he came back while she slept & lit a fire that revealed her decayed form, prompting him to escape out of fright & barricade her inside with a giant boulder. After his failed attempt to get Izanami, he washed himself in a stream. As he cleaned his left eye, Amaterasu, was born, as he cleaned his right eye, Tsukuyomi, was born & he cleaned his nose, Susanoo, was born, Blood, tells Selina. Will these two magic abilities of mine work, Selina, asks Blood. It will, Blood, tells Selina. Izanagi can only be casted by your left eye while the Izanami can only be casted with your left eye. Both of your eyes will go completely blind after you fully finish the two magical techniques until you drink the Blood of Restoration that will fully heal your eyes from blindness, Blood, tells Selina, before she hands her daughter a vial of the Blood of Restoration & a ancient magic book that she places within her bookbag. Thank you mother, Selina, tells Blood. Be careful & no that your family will always be your guardian angels, Blood, tells Selina, as she hugs her which ends the shared vision Mindsight Process of Selina & Howard's.

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