[3] The Beginning...

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A week of school passes. You have a good grip on Korean, all thanks to Namjoon, and you continue to hang out with BTS. You are happy with having them as friends until you start hearing rumors flying around.

Who does she think she is, hanging around with my oppas. What a slut, I bet she had to seduce them so she can hang around them. You hear people whisper about you while you are in the bathroom. After they leave, you come out of the stall, trying your best to ignore them. You wash your hands and head to the locker.

Once you arrive to your locker, you open it and notes fall to the floor. You pick one up and you read it.
'You dirty bitch. How about you get away from my oppas while I'm asking nicely' it reads. You kick it all away, again trying to ignore the nasty comments until you feel something warm fall on your cheeks. You realize you're crying and slam your locker door shut.

Suddenly a huge force grabs your arm and pins you to your locker.

"That's how your locker feels," Jungkook says, only a few centimeters from your face.

You push him back and he pins you again.

"Why are you crying?" He says to you in a deep voice.

"It's nothing. I wanna be alone right now so can you please get off me!" You say with a hint of frustration in your voice.

You push him again and he dramatically falls to the ground. You didn't push him that hard so you just decide walk away.

The bell rings and you enter the class. As you walk inside, all eyes are on you. You hate being the center of attention so you rush to your seat and bury your face in your arms. Namjoon taps you on the shoulder.

"Hey, what happened? I hear you pushed Jungkook to the ground," he says.

"I just wasn't in a good mood and he pinned me," you explain.

"I guess that means you're his next target," Namjoon says.

"Target for what?" You ask.

Then he explains to you about his little game called Get The Girl where he dates any girl to his liking for only about a week and then jumps to the next.

"Why does he do that?" You ask again.

"That's something that I can't be the one to tell you about," then you both look at Jungkook from across the classroom.

"Whatcha talkin about?" Seokjin says popping up from behind you and Namjoon.

Before you could answer, the bell rings and Seokjin runs to his seat. The teacher arrives and your class greets her.

The bell rings, signaling that it's time for break. You and BTS gets up and walks together to the cafeteria except Jungkook, being left behind saying he has business to take care of.

People keeps staring at you as you walk down the halls. You look to the ground then Hoseok wraps his arms around your shoulders. You gave him a fake smile and he looks at you with concern.

"Aw, is (y/n) getting bullied," Taehyung said jokingly and you look down again.

"Shh," Namjoon shushes Taehyung and Taehyung goes silent, feeling the seriousness of the situation.

You feel bad for Taehyung.

"It's alright guys. I'll tell you about it while we eat," you say then Taehyung smiles again.

After you all arrive at the cafeteria, you guys set your trays down and start eating. You explain to them about your situation and they all look at you with guilt in their eyes. You notice them look down.

"We're sorry about that. We didn't know people would pick on you," Namjoon says.

Just then, Jungkook shows up and sets his tray next to you. You scoot down a seat and Jungkook follows you. Eventually you give up and Jungkook puts his arms around your shoulders. You then nudge it off. He smirks and starts eating his food.


Once again, thanks for reading my stories and I hope you've enjoyed them so far.

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